The Fox Sisters
The Fox sisters are thought of as the founders of the Spiritualist movement. The three sisters, Maggie, Kate, and Leah, went on to achieve fame for their ability to communicate with spirits. This claim of communication, along with the mythology they created around their home, is what led to people adopting Spiritualism as their belief. One of the most famous Spiritualists was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Eventually, Maggie Fox confessed to the world that the sisters were frauds and that the knocking which could be heard in séances came from the sisters cracking the joints in their toes. Regardless of this confession, the spiritualist movement continued with many people going on to profit from being psychic mediums. History The initial event which started it all occured during the March of 1848. The Fox family had moved in to a tiny one-bedroom cottage in the hamlet of Hydesville, New York, during the December of 1947. The family who had moved in consisted of Margaretta Fox,