Location X Cross Reference

In this post I will look over all four of the tables I've created from the words lists I gathered at Location X: an anonymous location in the Manchester area of the UK. As I have already discussed the patterns seen in each individual table in previous posts, I will try and keep the recap brief and focus mainly on the cross referencing. To start with I will discuss the times taken for each word to be spoken. Each image below is in order of how I've numbered the tables and each now table starts with W1 in the left hand column. Min = minimum time taken for a word to be said. Max = maximum time taken for a word to be said. Avg = the average time taken for a word to be said.

Table 1: Min = 27s    Max = 1m 9s    Avg = 52.077s
Table 2: Min = 20s    Max = 1m 8s    Avg = 43.2s
Table 3: Min = 20s    Max = 1m 11s  Avg = 43s
Table 4: Min = 20s    Max = 1m 2s    Avg = 37.583s

I find looking at those numbers above extremely exciting as two coincidences can be seen from the average time taken to respond. As mentioned in previous posts, I believe this location hasn't been investigated before and as a result the spirits may not have known they could communicate with me. The average time it took for a word to be spoken clearly decreased over time, implying the time taken for a word to be spoken is not random. If it was random, I wouldn't expect to see this pattern. The two investigations in the middle both being at 43 seconds is incredibly interesting as out of the four lists, these middle two were both the investigations where not only was I talking to the spirits, but I was sat in the same room and not going from room to room like with the first and last list. A theory here could be different spirits prefer to be in different parts of the building, and so as it was the same spirits it was on average taking the same amount of time for them to reply. The decrease in time taken to respond can also be seen in the minimum time taken to reply, and the maximum time taken to reply (aside the 1m 11s anomaly). The overall decrease in time taken to reply could be the spirits getting more comfortable with me there and so may have trusted me more and so they were more willing to talk. More theories on this will be discussed as I discuss patterns in words said across the tables below.

Observations from above:

Back to back increases in time taken to respond with at least three arrows alternation inbetween.
Starts with asking to call out, followed by a form of greeting.
Numbers spoken all decrease as time passes.
'Gruesome', 'Assault', 'Terrified' all synonymous of an attack.
 Alternation between 1m 9s and a decrease in response time.


Observations from above:

Alternation between double decrease in time taken to respond and triple increase in time taken to respond. 
Alternation in increase and decrease, a break, then more alternation in increase and decrease.
No repeated words from previous table.
'Passage': I heard footsteps coming from a passage during the investigation.
I know a 'Moore'.
'Jennie' is similar to a name with strong connection to the location.
'Hurt' is synonymous with an attack.
'She's here' = the only reference to the gender of a spirit present so far.

Observations from above:

Two increases with an decrease followed by two more increases in time taken to reply swaps to be two decreases with an increase followed by two more decreases in time.
'I'm a child' = first reference to age of a spirit present.
'Toys' and 'Don't tell' are both synonymous of children.
'Toys' is a word very relevant to the location.
'Footsteps' = I heard footsteps during the investigation in a back passage.
'Pain' and 'Murder' are both synonymous of an attack.
'Don't tell' is followed by 'Julie', perhaps this is the name of a spirit that the one speaking is afraid of?
Numbers spoken count down as time progresses.

Observations from above:

Pattern with two decreases followed by an increase followed by two more decreases in time followed on from the end of the previous table to the start of the one seen above.
Many same coloured arrows are paired together.
I know a 'Joyce'.
'Don't be alarmed' from the previous list and 'Are you afraid' both connect.
'Passage' is repeated from the Main Investigation 1 list: I heard footsteps coming from a back passage.
Both times 'Passage' is said, it is said near a time where the same amount of time is taken to say a word back to back.
'Little' and 'upset me' both could be said by a child.
'We're still here' is said after a gap of over a minute.
'Camera' connects to 'Drain Camera' and 'Take picture' said in above lists.

Observations from the tables above:

The start of all tables above starting with W1 take over a minute for the first word to be spoken.
'Nine' is repeated.
'Ernest' is repeated.
'Lungs' is almost a repeat of 'My Lungs'.
'I scare people' may connect to 'Don't be alarmed' and 'Are you afraid'.


I think its safe to say for a random word generator, there are way too many patterns present both from connections between words spoken, and the numbers between those words. 'Passage' was repeated across the two middle words lists which I did sitting in the same location and when doing this I was hearing footsteps from a back passage. This lines up very well with what I experienced at the time, and there is an anomaly with the arrows on the table where they lie on their side to indicate a repeat in same amount of time taken to provide a response around both times 'Passage' is spoken. 

The number 'Nine' is repeated which I believe is the age of a child spirit in the location. The first time it is spoken is among words like 'Toys', 'Don't tell', and 'I'm a child'. These words were all among the five words spoken before and after 'Nine' was. The word 'Footsteps' was also said amongst these words so its possible I was hearing the child's footsteps. Shortly after 'I'm a child' is spoken, 'Don't be alarmed' and 'Are you afraid' are also spoken which makes me think this is the spirit who said 'I don't want to talk' and 'I scare people' in the final list. 

As 'Lungs' and 'My Lungs' is repeated I would deem this significant, but its hard to tell how. There are many references to a violent occurrence with words like 'Murder', 'Pain', 'Hurt', 'Assault', and 'Gruesome' being said across the lists. Two dates are said, these being '1600s' and '1200s'. The 1600s is the time of Shakespeare, plague, the gunpowder plot, the great fire of London, the English civil war, and witch trials. The 1200s is the medieval period which is filled with lots of death via plague. Its possible that one of the spirits could have died from something plague related which effected their lungs. The word 'collapse' may be a reference to this. Its fitting that such far away time periods were mentioned because the location itself was built within recent history on seemingly empty land and I can't find any records of anything having existed on the land beforehand, so its likely people died on the land as farmers due to things such as plague and that their spirits still remain.

The word 'Ernest' being repeated is interesting because it is an old English name meaning intent, serious, determined etc. This being repeated will probably have significance to the location, but wether that is as a name for a spirit, or just a use of the words meaning I'm not sure. It could perhaps relate to 'Hurt'  and 'Lungs' which are potentially violent words spoken within minutes of 'Ernest' on both lists. As 'Collapse' is spoken immediately after 'Ernest' on the second list, maybe its the name of a spirit who died from a collapsed lung caused by a plague. It started being used as a name in britain during the 16th and 17th century, so the 1500s and 1600s. As the 1600s is mentioned, perhaps Ernest died in the 1600s from a collapsed lung. 'Voice' was also said as the final word of the final list, and this could be incredibly relevant to this as it would effect your voice. 

Ernest could be the child I've discussed, but there is also a mention of 'She's here'. As Ernest is a boys name, this means there is a second spirit at this locationand they are female. Perhaps this is 'Julie'? Its hard to tell. There are two dates mentioned, so I would expect at least two spirits. There is a conversational thread where I believe a child is worried they will scare me because they scare others. There is another thread discussing murder and violence. There is a potential third one about taking pictures and draining the camera.  Its hard to gather more information based on these lists. I've done more at this location but not in the same room as the main investigation lists. It will be interesting to see if anything crosses over to those lists. I will also cross reference the lists here with ones from other locations to see if anything is repeated elsewhere, if so then this could be the app naturally throwing out certain words more often than others. 

If you have any questions or have spotted anything in these lists which I haven't discussed, please feel free to leave a comment. You can follow The True Paranormal on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with posts, and you can email thetrueparanormal1@gmail.com or message on social media, or comment on this blog, if you have any experiences you wish to share or places you would like to see investigated. 


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