Location X General Walk Investigation

This words list is part one of four of an investigation I did at this location which I will call Location X. I did this investigation while the location was closed during the pandemic and while I did get permission to investigate the location by the staff member who was in the building with me at the time, I did not get permission from the person who runs the building and so I will keep it anonymous to avoid any disputes. The location is in the Manchester area, and although a few staff members have claimed it to be haunted, the person who runs the building adamantly disagrees. 

The building has a ground floor and a first floor, and this list was created as I made my way to the first floor of the building. I didnt speak out to any spirits as this list was created, this was created purely from what was attempting to communicate with me so I would expect the words to seem random and disjointed as I'm not leading any conversation and as I passed from one place to the next I could have been encountering different spirits. Also, the location, to my knowledge, has never been investigated before so the spirits may not have known the device could communicate what they were saying.

The investigation occured on the 2nd of May 2021 and I started running the words list at 10:34:02. A point of interest is that the first thing the list says is 'Call out' which could show the spirits knew what I was doing, or that they wanted to communicate and didn't like that I wasn't speaking with them. Its an odd coincidence that this was said as the first word during an investigation where I decided not to talk to them. Even the second word 'Evening' is sometimes used as a form of greeting. Three of the words are negative in nature, these being 'Gruesome', 'Assault', and 'Terrified'. The words 'Come here' and 'Someone's watching' could potentially also be negative depending on the context and tone they are spoken in. The remaining words are neutral, so with no positive words spoken I would assume for the spirits to unhappy possibly due to something terrible happening on the land. I say in the land as the building has had no known tragedies occur in it. 

Above you can see the table showing how long it took for each word to be spoken and if there was an increase or decrease in time taken for a word to be said. The green arrow pointing down reflects a decrease in time taken to be spoken, and the red arrow pointing up reflects an increase in time taken to be said. It took a minimum of 27 seconds for a word to be said, a maximum of 1 minute and 9 seconds for a word to be said, and on average a word was spoken every 52.077 seconds. 

A point with the numbers which coincides with the first word being said is that it took 1 minute and 3 seconds for any word to be said at all. Perhaps they were waiting for me to start the conversation but grew impatient and so requested for me to call out? We will never know for sure, but this is an interesting coincidence to me. From word number 8, 'Two', a pattern can be seen with the time gaps where it alternates between the span of 1 minute and 9 seconds followed by a lower number. Another pattern you can see is how there are two red arrows pointing up (two back to back, periods of increased time taken to reply) followed by an alternation between the red and green which features a red in-between two green arrows, then followed by yet another double red arrow which is then followed yet again by the two green arrows with a red in-between. Had the investigation lasted one word longer, it would have been interesting to see if the final red arrow was followed by yet another red arrow to continue this pattern. 

This was only a short words list used to test the waters before the proper investigation began. The following two words lists are part of the proper investigation and the fourth is another such as this where I was walking to the exit of the building. 


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