Location X General Walk Investigation part 2

This words list was done as I walked back from the first floor if this location to the ground floor. Its so brief because this list was done as I was leaving and just as with the first words list at this location, I didn't talk to the spirits. As I've mentioned on my previous posts about this location, it will continue to remain anonymous due to me not having permission from the person who runs the place to investigate here, but I did have permission from a member of staff who works at this location. All of these lists were done while the location was closed due to the pandemic, and the location is in the Manchester area of the UK. 

This words list was created on the 2nd of May 2021 and I switched on the app to start generating words at 12:50:30 which was about ten minutes after the previous words list ended. I would class three of the twelve words spoken as being negative, these being 'I don't want to talk', 'I scare people', and 'Collapse'. 'Lungs' could be negative, but without wider context there is no way of knowing. The rest of the words are neutral to me with them being names, numbers, or just out of context. 

I find it interesting that both 'I don't want to talk' and 'I scare people' are said close together on the list. I would suspect this is a spirit telling me that they don't want to talk because they scare people, which tells me that this is a good spirit as they don't want to scare me. I look forward to cross referencing this list with others I've done, both at the same location and at different locations, to see how often these kinds of things are said. If they aren't said at all often, let alone in the same words list, or are most often said at this location, then I would deem this to be of significance. 

Above you can see the words put into a table which shows the amount of time it took for each word to be spoken along with arrows indicating if there is was an increase or a decrease in time taken for the words to be provided. I can see two clear patterns with this list. There are three decreases in time taken to response, indicated by the green arrows, followed by an increase in time taken to respond, indicated by the red arrow, then this is followed by yet another period of three decreases in time taken to respond. There is a break in the pattern where it takes the spirit the same amount of time to respond around the word 'Vortex', but then a different pattern emerges with one increase in time followed by one decrease in time, followed by yet another increase in time.

I wouldn't expect these patterns to appear in a random word generator, and it will be interesting to cross reference this table with others to see how frequently these patterns occur. As its random I would expect no patterns. Its possible, however, that there is some sort of algorithm which can implement these kinds of patterns, but then I would expect the patterns themselves to follow some sort of pattern. 

I find it interesting that the first increase in time taken to respond happens for the word 'Lungs'. This word seems especially out of place to me as looking at the words which came before, they all can make sense to one another. I've already discussed the connection between 'I don't want to talk' and 'I scare people' but 'Nine' could be the spirits age. I'm not sure on the connection 'Predict' could have, but this word (in the same way as 'Lungs') is spoken after a large period of time is taken to provide a word so possibly this is also said by a different spirit. 

When cross referencing the tables, I will try and construct a solid theory to what the patterns with the arrows mean. At the moment I have a few abstract thoughts which seem to keep changing depending on the table I'm looking at, but hopefully I will see one consistent pattern across the tables, or at least across the locations, and then I will be able to discuss some solid theories with you. 

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