Location X main investigation part 2

This word list is the longest on the blog so far and with 43 words spoken over the course of about 30 minutes its one of my longer investigations. I currently believe my longest word lists tend to run over a course of 50 minutes, but regardless of how long the investigation runs for, 43 words is a good amount to analyse as any patterns which are to occur should be seen in the list, unlike previous word lists where if it goes a word or two longer then a pattern would hopefully be established. This investigation is the third part of four words lists I did in this location on the 2nd of May 2021. It took place while the location was closed during the pandemic and it was only myself and a staff member in the building at the time. The location is in the Manchester area of the UK, but I'm not going to say exactly where as even though the staff member gave me permission to investigate, the person who runs the building did not give permission. 

Now to analyse the words. I turned on the spirit talker app at 12:09:32 and it took 1 minute and 11 seconds for the first word 'Pain' to be spoken. This is interesting as the minimum amount of time taken for a word to be spoken is 20 seconds, the maximum amount of time for a word to be spoken is 1 minute and 11 seconds, and the average time taken for a word to be spoken is 43 seconds. Doing a quick cross reference to the previous word list discussed on this blog which took place in the same location between 10:46:01 and 11:00:25, not only did it take over a minute for the first word to be spoken, but the average amount of time for a word to be spoken was 43 seconds. This could be a case of the same spirits, so its the same average as they have the same type of energy use. One explanation for this kind of detail, along with the gaps in words spoken, could be that this varies from spirit to spirit, just as how one accent could vary from another. 

I would consider 6 words of the 43 said as negative in connotation, these being 'Pain', 'Murder', 'Draining', 'Burial', 'Get out', and 'Upset me'. The rest either depend on tone, such as 'Don't tell', or are neutral words such as names or dates. The only word I would consider positive is 'Toys' and this is particularly relevant as the location has a large connection to young children playing with toys. It's interesting that this list says both 'Passage' and 'Footsteps' as I heard footsteps in the area I was in which sounded like someone walking in the back passage which leads from one side of the area to the other. Other points of interest are that two of few negative words are said back to back right at the start of the investigation, a time period is given, name female names in particular are spoken, there are a couple of references to draining, and the thing I find most interesting is the words 'Toys', 'Don't tell', 'Careful', 'I'm a child'. 'Don't be alarmed', 'Are you afraid', and 'Upset me'. All of those words give me the impression of a child wanting to communicate with me, but at the same time being reluctant at fear of scaring me. It will be interesting to properly cross reference the words of this list with the three other lists I did at this location on this day. 

Above you can see the table which shows the first 21 words spoken of the 43 in total. There is a very brief pattern with the arrows on the table. The red arrows show an increase in time taken to say a word, and the green arrow shows a decrease in time taken to say a word. From W11, 'Careful', the green is followed by two red, followed by a green, followed by two red, followed by another green. However, it is here at W17 that the pattern flips so that this green is the first of a double green which is followed by a red which is followed by another two green arrows. This could be because another spirit with another way of using energy is communicating, or it could be because due to the energy build up which may occur during the periods of time where there is an increase in response time this leads to a flurry of responses as the spirit has the energy built up to do that. 

As you can see from the table above, the pattern i discussed with the double green arrows occurring with a break of one red arrow continues over into this table. Its then broken by the same response time being repeated around the word 'Passage', something of interest as I heard footsteps coming from a passage. These periods where the response time is the same could potentially highlight relevant words and I will look into this across the words lists. The rest of this table looks very strange to me. For it to go from three red, two green, to four red, two green... I don't know if this is the semblance of a pattern, but its strange to have such consistency with having more than one of the same coloured arrow back to back in this way. This could imply a change in spirit communicating, it could indicate that some spirits have left, or it could indicate more spirits are trying to talk. Even the words spoken are strange as there is no particular conversational thread, its all disjointed to me. In a way though, this is a point to the side of it legitimately just being a random word generator. The thing which hinders this is the pattern with the arrows. I will upload the next and final part of the investigation done on this day tomorrow. 

If you spot any patterns in the table which I haven't commented on, please feel free to let me know and it would be great to hear your own theories too.


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