OVERNIGHT'S Haunted Homies E2: Noah Howard's Investigation Frights

Noah Howard's first discussed experience:

'I've had, like, visual experience too. Also in Colorado at my friend's house in Franktown which is, if you know what Franktown is in Colorado, it's in the middle of bumfuck, it's, like, you don't know where it is if you go to Colorado, and he has this big log cabin and he had a trampoline out by a shed and his parents were never home. We would just throw parties and jump on the trampoline, like fifteen years old, and (...) we were on the trampoline, next thing you know there's that shed in the back, it's pitch black, the only light out there is the moon, that's literally all you can see; shed goes boom. We all start bolting in the house, we're running, we lock the doors, we go up into my friend's room, stare out the window towards the trampoline, you can't see anything, it's black but we're like 'ooh look in the direction, see if there's something'. I kid you not, to this day this is the scariest thing that's ever happened to me, like, literally, we look out there and we see... it looks like moonlight, like it looks like the brightness of the moon hitting like, like, land. It was straight up a woman in a white dress, tall as shit, had to be like 6'7 and was hanging. It wasn't like levitating, it was more of like a, like it was like, it was kind of hanging but like, like this *stands tall with head to the side resting on his shoulder* and it was hanging there staring right up at us and I could weirdly see it's eyes and like, like it cut out the white part of it's eyes. It was, you had to be there, my friends could back this up too, it was the scariest thing ever, we go 'whoa whoa, like what is that, get your phone, get your phone'. My friend grabs his phone: vanishes. It was like, like, almost like a candlelight, light, going out. It was wierd.' 

Noah Howard's second discussed experience:

'Another experience of mine was at the same graveyard where, uh, the last story was, um, I got scratched, like, hard and I was, like, almost bleeding and I didn't know what it was and we got in the car and we went back to my house, and everyone just kind of played it off normal. I was feeling it on my neck like 'ooh, this shit hurts, like, I don't know, did I get stung by some big ass bee or something, like what is this?' Um, and I found myself in a trance, like a weird ass trance. All my friends were hanging out watching TV, I'm looking up 'Irish demons' like Wikipedia and I'm full on reading it, but in my brain I'm not reading it, like I'm just, like, on my phone scrolling through Instagram or some shit, and then I sort of come to a realisation of like 'whoa, what the fuck am I looking at?' I had to have her (his girlfriend) take my phone away and I had to go lay down in my bed with my head in my pillow.'

Experience 1 Q&A:


'Is there a paranormal experience that you could have that would make you quit?'


'No, I'll get full on, like, I'd get possessed for this. I'm down to do whatever.'


'Okay let's, let's, let's flip the, the direction of the question then; if something horrible could not necessarily happen to you, but if something happened to,for say, your mother or your family...'


'Oh, I'd feel terrible.'


'Would you stop?'




'If you were, if you were the reason...'

Noah to his girlfriend in the audience:

'I love you babe, but no.'

Experience 2 Q&A:


'So can we go back to the part where you said even if your girlfriend was getting, uh, attacked by a demon you would keep using a ouija board?'


'She defended me in that time, she was, comforting, so yes I would, I wouldn't stop, I would maybe take a break, maybe pause for a little bit.'

Summary of activity:

1. Bangs
2. Full body apparition
3. Full body apparition disappearing
4. Scratched
5. Fell into a trance (borderline possession)

My thoughts:

Noah is one of the biggest reason why I investigate. Well, not Noah personally, but people such as Noah who seem to push it with the investigations and who will not stop regardless of what they, or people they know and care about, experience. His final two experiences discussed in episode 2 of Overnight's Haunted Homies don't have as much to them, and the Q&A segments are entirely him being asked what would make him stop, but the experiences are still worth discussing. 

In his first experience he and his friends hear a bang from the shed and so go inside. When looking outside they then see an apparition of a woman hanging by the shed. It's a simple story, and is described in a way where I can see something similar being used in a horror film, but I find it interesting for two reasons. Firstly, it is outside and I haven't heard many outdoor stories that don't revolve around graveyards or hitchhiking. Secondly, I have heard a very similar description to that apparition from a different story I will eventually discuss on this blog. 

The image you can see above is from a video posted on YouTube by a channel called 'grimmlifecollective' which is a really good channel dedicated to visiting famous graves, scare attractions, and famous locations related to anything spooky. This image was shown during their visit to the real conjuring house Ed and Lorraine Warren investigated. Noah's description of his apparition reminded me of this drawing you can find in the cellar of the conjuring house which was drawn by one of the children at the time who claimed to see a woman with a broken neck in their bedroom at night. 

This leads me back to why the apparition being outside is interesting: it implies this person was hung from a tree. It would have been good to know if there were any trees near the apparition, or if any trees had been in that area at any point in time. I find it strange that there was a massive bang from the shed before the apparition appeared but perhaps this sound relates to either something that happened back during the time the spirit was from, or is some sort of way to gather the energy needed to appear? It's odd. I also wonder if it was the bang that triggered the spirit to appear, or if it was the spirit who caused the bang. It's a shame that they didn't manage to capture evidence of the apparition, but it is good how Noah describes the apparition vanishing. Usually when I've heard people talk about apparitions vanishing they don't describe how, they just say it disappeared, but for Noah to say it disappeared like candlelight is interesting and sets his story apart from ones I've previously heard. Also, with his mentioning of the moonlight shining on it, it makes me wonder if that candlelight going out effect came about because of the moonlight being blocked out by the clouds. 

The second story doesn't have too much happen in it, but it features too big bits of activity which are often in conversation around the paranormal: scratches, and possession. Scratches I think can absolutely happen as that is just an incredibly strong discharge of energy across your back. The reason why I referred to this as borderline possession in the summary is because the experience of possession is unclear at best unless you go off the traditional acting crazy and talking in a different voice. Saying it simply, Noah does something he is unaware of until he 'snaps out of it' and then has to go and lie down, assembly because he was drained. To me, that sounds like possession. It is said while you are possessed your mind goes into its happy place and you are unaware of what you are doing and won't remember anything when you snap out of it. Noah describes this to a tee. He says he thought he was scrolling through Instagram while he was actually looking up Irish demons. 

The reason why, despite the similarity to possession, I've called it borderline possession is because it could, instead of a spirit possessing him, have actually been a spirit attaching itself to him for a short period of time and feeding him with intrusive thoughts about looking up Irish demons. It sounds like it didn't effect him for long and that he was fine afterwards. I don't know if he has been cleansed, he really should have been after such an experience, but if he wasn't then I do not think it was possession but instead a short term attachment. I think the scratches imprinted Noah with the spirit's energy and this allowed for the spirit to follow Noah for as long as the energy imprint lasted. Why the spirit wanted him to learn about Irish demons, I don't know, maybe it was just something to do with that grave or that spirit. Perhaps it is something that spirit wanted to learn about in life. 

That is it for this post, and that is it for all six of Noah's experiences. I will keep posting these experiences as they're really interesting to hear and fun to analyse. Not the next experience post, but the one after will be a big one as Noah and Corey interview the owner of the location they are hosting the episode from and they say a bunch of interesting stuff regarding not only the location but also what difficulty they went through to open the location due to it being haunted. If you want to watch Overnight's Haunted Homies episode 2 then click the link below:

I really hope you enjoyed this blog post. If you have any comments whether that be about the blog, experiences of your own, or even places you would like for me to investigate, then you can comment and follow on here, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Reddit, and you can email thetrueparanormal1@gmail.com for a quick response to any questions. 


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