OVERNIGHT's Haunted Homies E1: Marie's astral projection encounter

Marie's experience:

'It happened two years ago in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere Alabama. I lived on a farm in a two story house with my mum and her boyfriend. I always felt like someone was watching me, but one night I felt sick and went to bed early. I'm known for sleepwalking and doing wierd shit when I'm asleep, so when I felt myself sleepwalking down the stairs, I didn't feel scared. This time was different though. It felt like I was floating and time wasn't real. As I was going down the stairs, I felt someone watching me. I turned to my right and leaning on the balcony above me was a brunette woman watching me. She was very skinny and wearing a dress. I didn't feel threatened, but when I saw her I lost my footing and fell down the stairs; didn't feel any pain though. I woke up two seconds later right next to my bed on the floor. I talked about it a few days later and my mum's boyfriend heard me. I described the woman and his face goes pale. He pulls his wallet out and there's a photo of the woman I saw. Turned out it was his mother who committed suicide in the upstairs bathroom. I didn't even know his mum was dead, and after that I always heard footsteps or felt her, but I was never scared.'

Marie Q&A:


'So you never felt creeped out by this presence at all?'


'I was the only one that never felt creeped out because there were a couple stories about it beforehand, like, my stepbrother, the boyfriend's son, he had a little baby boy and wouldn't stay upstairs, he would cry and, like, try to throw himself out of the crib upstairs but he would go downstairs and he would be fine, and then we also had a family dog that would growl up at the stairs. So, I had the whole top floor to myself, I didn't know why. I didn't really want to know.'


'How long ago did this happen?'


'About two or three years ago. I was still in high school.'


'How did that make, uh it was your mum's boyfriend, how did that make him feel? Like, had he ever seen her in the house?'


'No, but he had heard footsteps, so he was kind of upset that she had, like, revealed herself to me, and he never talked about it for a reason so when I described her he kind of freaked out on the inside. He was like 'how did you see my mum?' Because she killed herself right there in front of the, like, where the bathrooms were, because the balcony was right in front of him.'


'This is kind of a morbid question; did you know how she died?'


'She had just got home from grocery shopping, uh put up all the groceries, went upstairs, and shot herself. No, nothing telling.'


'Any explanation, any...?'


'Just all of a sudden she killed herself, like, she wasn't on medication, nothing was really wrong, like, all her kids were grown, like, it just kind of happened one day.'


'I don't expect you to have any answer to this because I don't know if you tried getting those answers, but do you feel she's still in the home because she's stuck there?'


'Yeah, absolutely.'


'So you don't think it's because she wants to be around her son?'


'No, I think it's because she's stuck there, she doesn't want to be there, like, I, it was suspected because I found another gun in the trunk of her car, they thought she was gonna do it elsewhere but for some reason she did it in the house, so it's like it was, like, sucking her in. It was wierd.'


'Do you know if there was any, like, plans to move after, like, was that... considering...?'


'She had just bought the house, they owned this farmhouse, like on 72 acres of land, very successful ranch, like she, there was no reason.'


'Do you know, like, an age range of this woman, how old she was?'


'About 30's or 40's, something like that.'


'Is that, she looked young when you saw her?'


'Yeah, she looked so young, she also looked sick, like, very sickly, but not she didn't have a disease or anything, but her cheeks were caved in, her clothing was like falling off of her because it was like a dress, it looked like it was falling off of her.'


'When you saw the picture, was it like spitting image from what you saw or was it...?'


'Yes, just a little bit healthier, but yeah, same hair cut, almost, like, everything was perfect. Scared the crap outta me.'


'How did it make you feel when you heard that this person that was in your dream was real?' 


'I mean, it's not the first time it's happened, but the first time I felt like, it felt like it was an outer body experience because I couldn't feel my feet but I felt when I fell down the stairs so when I woke up in my body next to my bed, it felt like I had fallen down the stairs, but I didn't move.'


'Did that feel like malicious to you, like she was trying to get you out of the house or...?'


'No, I think it was just like I saw her, and I guess that freaked me out a little bit and I stumbled, like, that's what it was.'


'Is there any possibility she was, what's it called, astral projecting? Maybe the plain that she's on crossed paths with your astral projection while you were...?'


'Because we saw each other, we looked each other in the eyes and that's when I fell.'


'It sounds like you guys just crossed paths in that extra plain.'


'So you feel like she actually saw you?' 


'No, we made eye contact and it was like we knew we were there together, that's what freaked me out, that's why I put it in the story.'


'I wouldn't be able to stay in that house again, that's, that's pretty insane.'


'See, she never felt malicious and that wasn't the first time I had known about something being up there because I actually had like a party, or like a sleepover, whatever for my birthday, didn't tell anybody about anything that was happening because it would freak them out, and a friend of mine woke up to go to the bathroom and she heard footsteps, so she was like 'oh, ok, someone's waiting for the bathroom'. She came out, nothing was there, you know, whatever, fell back asleep. Same friend woke up to feet being right in front of her face and they walked off to the corner and she never saw anything.'


'Just saw feet?'


'Yes, she saw feet walking and she heard her walking to the corner where there was nothing but, like, a window, and she woke up and told me that and I didn't tell them anything so I was freaked out because obviously something had to happen, I didn't tell them it was haunted.'


'Has anyone considered trying to help her leave the house?'


'Not really, I think I'm the only one that she was comfortable with showing herself to and everyone else is too afraid to do it, like I said, it's butt-fuck nowhere, very Catholic, everybody's afraid of that kind of thing, they ignore it, so that's, I don't think anybody's gonna try and help her.'

***cut parts mentioned in analysis insert here***


'Some of the stuff you said I can relate to because I've had similar things happen to me with how you've felt, so when you say that, you know, time felt like it wasn't real, right, could you explain that reaction, how it felt to you?'


'It, to me it's kind of like frozen in time, it was like white space was everywhere. It was super bright, and it was like the middle of the night but I could see everything around me clearly and nothing was moving and there were no sounds, so it felt like time was frozen, and that's the first and last time that's ever happened to me.'


'That does sound like astral projection, it really does.'


'When I was in high school, and this was, you know, when I was super into the ouija board and stuff, I learned about astral projection and I had some people that were trying to teach me how to do it, and when I stopped practicing it there was a day, and I wasn't trying to do, this was just a normal day, but I was, it was, you know during the same time period of me learning how to do that and my friends were coming to pick me up to take me, like, to the fair or something, and I remember going into my den and I just passed out and I woke up in my room and I was home alone, and I wake up to, like, twenty missed calls, like they were all in my house banging on the door, but I've never understood why that happened, why I just randomly passed out and then yet woke up in my room.'

Summary of activity:

1. Astral projection
2. Full body apparition (in dream)
3. Sense of being watched
4. Dog growling up the stairs
5. Baby not settling upstairs
6. Footsteps (audio)
7. Partial apparition (feet)

My own thoughts and comments:

First I'm going to start by mentioning what I cut from the Q&A. In the noted portion of the interview, Elton asks about if Marie has thought of trying to help and she replies by saying she doesn't know how to and that if ever she went back she would be open to bringing someone with her to help. The reason I haven't quoted it directly and included it in the Q&A portion is because it wasn't as clear of a question and response format. There are interruptions and a fair few jokes which distract from the details of the experience. It also didn't seem like something I would expand on.

The main experience itself is surprisingly short, but the astral projecting makes it really interesting. I agree with the OVERNIGHT team in regards to it sounding like astral projection. For anyone who doesn't know, astral projection is when you project your spirit from your body and can roam the astral plain like this; the astral plain being the dimension it is believed spirits reside. I believe astral projection could be possible, and provided this experience is true, it supports this. I find it especially interesting that Marie saw someone she never knew only to find out exactly who it was and that the image was the same. The detail of the apparition looking more sickly than in life is a good detail as it implies we may resemble how we die. I don't think this is the case, I suspect the appearence was the mum wanting Marie to see she died in sad circumstances, and so resembled how she may have felt. She may have felt her life was falling away from her, or she could have had an underlying illness, hence why the dress falling away or the sickly appearence. 

The sense of being watched, dog growling, and baby not settling are all phenomena which are very similar but just across different mediums. All three are something recognising there is a presence and then reacting to it in some way. I believe these are all absolutely possible. It is thought the younger you are, the more psychic ability you have, and it is a fact that dogs can see and hear more of the light and audio spectrum than humans can so it makes sense for these two groups to sense something that human adults can not. 

The audio phenomena of footsteps is a common trope amidst traditional ghost stories, so it is no surprise seeing it mentioned here with claims of both a partial and full body apparition. Footsteps could be possible through energy that is absorbed through the floor repeating itself through unknown triggers (stone tape theory), or they could be the spirit manifesting just enough to apply weight to the floor. The partial apparition of feet during this time supports that this is a powerful entity so I wouldn't be surprised for it to be able to do such a thing, and with such a tragic and emotionally driven death, I would suspect it to have plenty of energy to use.

I think the experience is credible. You can't explain it away by friends messing around, or just that she purely dreamed it, as she accurately described a woman in a photo she knew nothing about. Even the story regarding the friend seeing the feet seems credible as she had not told them about any hauntings, so they would have no reason to make up such a story. Plus, the activity lines up with the boyfriend also hearing footsteps. 

If you want to watch the OVERNIGHT channel's video where I have transcribed this experience from, you can watch it by clicking the link below:

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