A thank you to the followers: Their Ouija board experiences

This post is going to be a little different from the ones I've done before as it combines a couple of things together into one post. Firstly, I want to say a massive thank you to anyone who has read through my previous post regarding the Ouija board, and especially to anyone who has commented on that post in any of the groups I've shared it to. I've read through every single comment and both reacted and responded to it. Hearing all of your warnings, along with all of your experiences, has prompted me to create this post: an ongoing list of the experiences you have shared with me. Below, I will list all of your comments, along with my responses, as I view each one of them as important to document in order for me to create a definitive judgement of the Ouija board. Don't worry, I will keep every single one of you anonymous, unless you message me otherwise. Also please don't worry if you don't see your comment here by the time I publish this. At the time of writing this, the time is 2.42am and I need to be up by 10am... so if your comment isn't in this post, please don't worry, it will be. I will actively update this post to make sure I include every comment. With that being said, I hope you enjoy this post, and thank you so much again for all of your contributions. I've spoken to so many wonderful people about their experiences, and I know it isn't easy to share them.

Comments from the 'Paranormal Sightings' group

W. R's comments:

W: 'I use too have one'

Me: 'that's cool. Did you have any interesting experiences with it?'

W: 'yes I did and I had to stop because I was not talking to anything good it was evil'

Me: 'that sounds very interesting and I would love to hear more about what you experienced?'

W: 'when it started to spell the word EVIL I stopped and turned around and gave it to a good friend of mine and after that I started to follow my gut feeling after that and now its been over 30 years sent I stopped using it. And now I can tell you this much I can tell you the town I live in is Haunted. But no one will tell you that the town is Haunted. Every time I go into town I can feel it.'

Me: 'was evil the very first thing it started to spell? Also, did your friend use the board at all after you gave it to them? I absolutely believe the town you live in is haunted, and as I live in England, I know what it's like to live somewhere that no one will say is haunted but you just know it is. I'm sorry if this conversation is going to seem like a bunch of questions from me, but I'm trying to research the board including people's experiences, and yours is very interesting to me.'

W: 'after I gave the board to my friend it all stopped.'

W: 'I live in a small town called Holdenville Oklahoma.'

Me: 'I will definitely look into your town. I'm assuming your friend didn't use the board? What are you referring to in ' 'it' all stopped '? Were there other things occuring at the time?'

W: 'yes they did I went back to their house 2 weeks later and they told me they have been using the board. Now I don't know where they moved to. I lost all contacts with them.'

W: 'I tell you what I don't know if its possible for you talk to a ghost or spirit where you are from but if you do can you let the ghost or spirit know that they can come to me and talk to me?'

W: 'there's a house that my Grandparents lived in it is Haunted. After they moved out no one has moved into the house and the house is still empty. The house has been empty for over 40 years. I use to go over to my Grandparents house and start to knock on the walls and the ghost would knock right back at me to let me know that they are there. I would have fun with the ghost and the ghost would have fun with me also. When it was time for me go home I would know on the wall 2 times and the ghost would knock back 2 times also.'

Me: 'is this ghost that you would have fun with the one you would like to talk to you? It sounds like you had lots of fun in your grandparents house with that ghost. When  your friend used the Ouija board, did they ever say to you if they experienced anything?'

W: 'no they didn't tell me anything about it'

Me: 'that's a shame, but I suppose also good that nothing obviously bad happened to them'

L. D's comments:

L: 'done one years ago at school, used my ring as a sort of placette. It moved started to spell something then all the toilet doors started to slam. We rushed out of there and went to class, when approaching the classroom door, someone called me and my hand was on the frame, the door slammed shut and if it hadn't been for that ring I would of lost my fingers'

Me: that sounds like a frightening experience, and it makes me wonder if the ring itself possibly had a spirit attached to it?'

J. G's comments:

J: 'when you play Ouija, you open doors that you can never close. Yes, it does move on its own, but the entity that you're communicating with, it's a disturbed spirit or even a demonic being. It will tell you things about your future, things that will be happening. Once those things take place, you will become dependant on the Ouija board, because it predicted future events for you. Once it has your full trust and attention, it will bring mayhem into your life. Do not mess with it, it's not a game nor a toy.'

Me: 'I partially agree with what you've said. I agree the board is a potentially dangerous tool to use as there are so many experiences people share which indicate it to be so, but regardless of this the Ouija board is still a toy. The talking board that inspired the creation of the Ouija board, and the Chinese methods of automatic writing are not toys, but the Ouija board was created by businessmen for profit and is currently owned by Hasbro, a toy company. I do still agree thought that the Ouija board has certainly had odd circumstances attached to it, even before the 70's when it suddenly became associated with the demonic. It is a toy, but that doesn't mean there can't be more to it, and I think there definitely is.'

L. M-P's comments:

L: 'Nope. Had one as a teen. Bad news.'

Me: 'I'm assuming you had some negative experiences with the board?'

L: 'whatever the entity was, it was to put it mildly very very dark and heavy. My whole bed shook and it attempted to overtake me TWICE. To say it was horrible is putting it mildly. I had my mother get rid of it.'

Me: 'I'm sorry to hear that you've gone through that, from what I've heard of accounts of possession, it isn't at all pleasant... how did your mother get rid of it?'

M. C's comments:

M: 'my 12 year old daughter and I used one once. She asked if anyone was with us and it immediately went to yes. We quickly put it back in the box and put it on the shelf in the coat closet with our games. About 20 years later I moved the games to another closet and there were 2 boards. Another 10 years, I moved and there was no board????'

Me: 'I've heard similar things like this where the boards have a habit of moving about on their own... I've heard if you try and throw one away then it will reappear within your house somehow. It's an interesting experience which further backs up this notion, thank you for sharing.'

That's it for the comments today as it is now 4:14am, but I promise you all that I will keep on adding your Ouija board experiences when I return from work tomorrow/later on today. I already have a bunch of them written out, I just need to type them onto here. As I said earlier, if you wish to be named then please let me know, or if you wish for your comments to be removed from this blog then I will gladly do that too. Thank you again for all of the support each one of you has shown for the Ouija board post, it is much appreciated. 


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