The 'Project Reveal - Ghosts of Britain' Team: Lee and Linzi Steer

Roughly 25 years ago, Lee Steer first started Ghosts of Britain. He started by writing up little reports on a website, then he created videos to document what he was finding out and posted pictures online. Roughly 10 years ago he gained a following and became one of the first Facebook live streamers. Lee was born in 1986 in Rotherham, England, and is currently roughly 37 years old. Linzi joined him in investigating around 6 or 7 years ago around the time they first met online in 2016. Linzi is from Sheffield and is currently roughly 53 years old. Lee and Linzi are married and both investigate the paranormal together, along with running their haunted objects museum which is located in Rotherham. 

The sources I will be using:

Unfortunately I couldn't find much online about Lee and Linzi, despite how large of a following they have. When searching for information about them, I mostly just found out about their investigations and reports of paranormal activity they have encountered within their own museum. I've linked these findings above, along with a really good video where the youtube channel 'Sophie Mei Lan' interviews them. 

Lee and Linzi's Facebook page 'Project Reveal - Ghosts of Britain' has 2.3 million followers and was created on the 25th of November 2009. The page they use to advertise their museum, under the name 'The Haunted Objects Museum - Poltergeist House', was created on the 11th of May 2019 and the museum itself first opened in March of 2018. The museum page currently has 14K likes and 23K followers. Ghosts of Britain also has a youtube channel which is currently sitting on 30.6K subscribers. 

From what I can find out, Lee has been interested in the paranormal since he was 14 years old when he saw things being thrown about his bedroom. Despite this experience, he still stays skeptical on the paranormal and the team tries to debunk things that they find particularly interesting and of note. Lee also has a number of IMDB credits to his name from various projects he has produced, written, and directed between 2013 and 2017. These include 'True Ghost Stories', 'The Paranormal Police: Exposed', and 'Project Paranormal'. 

Linzi grew up watching things about aliens and ghosts, so she's always hadan interest in the paranormal, mainly in aliens and the stars though. Linzi says it doesn't frighten her, and she says she saw a ghost roughly 25 years ago. She was working along at the dress makers she was working in and saw a curly haired woman watching her who then walked through a closed door. 

The Ghosts of Britain team aims to investigate during a live stream they do on Facebook every night at 9pm for an hour or so, and they usually follow this will a special supporters only segment which lasts for roughly half an hour. They sometimes investigate private houses, but often investigate the area of Hull as they believe it is one of the countries most haunted cities alongside Sheffield and York. They also occasionally work with others during their investigations. Quite often they investigate abandoned buildings, but you can see them investigate 'proper' locations too. For example, they have investigated Spofforth Castle where they caught a toy bear fall untouched. They have said they think Spofforth Castle is probably the most haunted place in Yorkshire.

They have also investigated Carn Cottage in Cornwall where Alcester Crawley stayed. They've also investigated Merlin's Cave in Tintagel, Cornwall, and Inveraray Jail in Scotland which is where the above image was captured by them. In the image you can see a white blob in the dark which vaguely resembles a face. They said there was no dummy there and that they can't explain the photo. I definitely find it interesting. 

As mentioned earlier, the Steers own an eleven roomed haunted object museum in Rotherham, and this is home to a great array of items. These include a vampire hunting kit which is possibly 120 years old which contains some bottles and a dead bat. It also contains Elizabeth, the bridal doll, which is the UK's most haunted doll. It is also the fifth most haunted object in the world. This doll has appeared on TV programmes such as 'This Morning', and in one very interesting broadcast on the 14th August 2017, the doll appeared alongside the psychic medium Deborah Davies and paranormal investigator Yvette Fielding. It seemed Lee had recently bought the doll and contacted Deborah about the activity he had been experiencing with it, including scratches. Yvette says in the interview that she doesn't think the doll is haunted and that Deborah was picking up on the dolls past, not a spirit attached to it. 

The reason I mention Yvettes involvement with the doll is because I remember watching one of Lee and Linzi's streams ages ago because they were announcing something and one of their supporters said they should work with Yvette Fielding, and Linzi replied by saying that they would never work with her. I found this very odd, especially given seeing the interview where Yvette says she wants to experiment with the Elizabeth doll because she doesn't think it's haunted. I would expect some cooperation here, especially as Yvette was being skeptical on the matter, but there doesn't seem to be any willingness for that from Lee and Linzi. I don't know the full situation though, so I could just be reading into things. 

The final thing I wanted to mention before my overall thoughts on the duo is the Raggedy Anne doll they own. They have a doll which is the same as the Annabelle doll which lives in Ed and Lorraine Warren's occult museum, and was even made in the same factory. The Steers claim the doll they own is also haunted, possibly by the same spirit. They think it may have caused them to nearly crash their car twice and caused them to suffer from an illness which led to Linzi being in hospital for a week. I agree that the car crash detail certainly lines up, but it's a bit odd that the same spirit would enhabit two of the same doll on different continents. It could be a case of not knowing enough about how demonic entities operate, but it really does seem strange. 

My Overall Impressions

I have seen a few of Lee and Linzi's live streams and really like their methods. It all seems very genuine, as do they as people, and I like that they aren't smothered in overdramatised TV programmes like other popular investigators are. Yes, they've been involved in TV, but when searching about them you don't find any of that. It leads me to think that they are just happy to do as they do they way they do it. I think more investigators should be like that, and during streams where nothing happens they tell people that this is what investigating is like. I remember laughing at one stream because they said if you wanted something to happen every second, and if you wanted to see things be faked, then you should go and watch 'Ghkst Adventures'. I've never seen the programme, but will look into it, and from what little I know it does seem like one of those over dramatised American ghost programmes. 

I find their apparent conflict with Yvette Fielding particularly interesting, and it leads me to wonder if they don't want anything to do with Yvette because she may fake things, of it is because they may fake things and they don't want Yvette to find out. Their claims about their own 'Annabelle doll' and their potential resistance to thoroughly test the Elizabeth doll is definitely odd. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt though, just as I try to do with other investigators in these posts, and so I will reserve proper judgement until after I've posted about a fair few of their live streams.  

Thank you for reading to the end of this post! I really hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments whether that be about the blog, experiences of your own, or even places you would like for me to investigate, then you can comment and follow on here, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Reddit, and you can email for a quick response to any questions


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