Journal Entry 2

Hello, and thank you for reading this post. This is the second journal entry I wrote way back at the start of 2022. It will likely be just as informal as the previous journal entry post, but as I said then; this is as real as it gets. The point of these posts is to not only show you a bit of my behind the scenes commentary, but also to give you an idea of what a real paranormal investigation is like and what kind of results you can expect to happen. It also shows that anyone can investigate, and it will hopefully show how you can progress in the paranormal field. I hope you enjoy.

15/01/22 - Entry 2

The time is 22:11 and I can confirm I will not be investigating tonight. I can, however, make some comments on this mornings session. I commented that the 'light activity' occured for perhaps the first 15 minutes of the session, this time featured 20 words. 

The investigation began at 03:00:13 and the first word 'a woman here' was spoken at 03:01:04. There were some direct replies to my questions to begin with. Initially I asked if I was speaking to the same spirit as the previous cellar investigation, to which the word 'others' was spoken in response. 

I asked what the woman's name was after the confirmation of other spirits being present and after it randomly said 'died in battle', the word 'Anna' was spoken. This all happened by 03:03:20 and was the most evident example of direct communication. 

Again, the words 'I scare people' and 'Carl' were spoken. These significant words were also spoken in the first 15 minutes. I strongly believe the spirit wants to communicate, but is scared to do so at risk of scaring me.

Three words spoken in the first 15 minutes possibly relating to the bear and/or balls are 'cool', 'stroke', and 'ha ha'. The laughter occured at 03:13:02, definitely near to when all light activity stopped. As the word 'killing' was spoken at 03:14:05, I theorise that the mood of the spirit crashed and with it went the energy. This could explain why light activity ceased for the remaining 30ish minutes. 

Evidence supporting my claim is in the previous investigation, the word 'I'm very happy' was spoken inbetween thentwo occurrences of the balls flashing. This suggests the spirit here is more active when positive emotion occurs and so will not mean me any harm. 

An interesting point to make is through the previous investigation, no. 88 Cellar 3, 'negative' words would include 'struggling', 'sorry', 'he killed', 'bullet', and 'I died'. These words all occured before the balls went off around which there were the 'positive' words 'emotion', 'a good spirit', 'share my message', and 'I'm very happy'. The only negative word to occur in this time was 'died a long time ago'.

After the ball went again, the only 'positive' inclusion was 'I'm with my family'. Negatives were 'damage' and 'I scare people'. It is important to note that positive words did occur before the balls went off. These were 'attractive' and 'celebrate'. Negatives I forgot to mention from here are 'it's scary here', 'it was conjured', and 'flames'. 

I need to do further analysis of the 'positive' and 'negative' semantic fields to determine if my suspicions of positives mostly occuring around the time of the balls lighting up is correct. I also need to make word frequency graphs of both investigations, along with spike graphs showing the amount of times a word is spoken in under a minute. It will probably show the same thing as the other graph though.


1. 'Light up' activity will occur when positive words are most frequent 
2. 'Light up' activity will not occur when negative words are most frequent
3. 'Light up' activity will occur at the 'drop off point'

Notes to self:

Light up activity = The bear or balls flashing from 'being touched'
Drop off point = The point where activity dims, e.g when a word goes from being spoken consistently under a minute to over a minute


1. If the first hypothesis is correct, this could mean the cellar spirit is more powerful or communicative with positive energy, supporting that it is a 'good          spirit'
2. If the third hypothesis is correct then this indicates significant energy drain from causing the devices to flash. It also implies a potential energy build up      would occur and the quick fire words could be the release of the energy. More speculation will be added based on the evidence found.

I need to buy some graph paper to ensure physical copies are created. Hopefully I can do that tomorrow depending on shop closing times. 

Things to look into:

.Types of energy
.Coma patients

That's the end of the entry! It shows how I look at the word lists I analyse in relation to an investigation I do, and it also really highlights how far behind I am with my word list analysis given I've only recently posted no. 11 and this entry discusses no. 88. It also discusses a couple of good thoughts I have on the nature of spirits. One of these thoughts is that there are positive spirits who work on positive energy, and there are negative spirits who work on negative energy. Another of the thoughts is that of a drop off point. I've mentioned here that this could occur in instances where it takes longer than a minute for the spirit to provide a response. The latest word list I've analysed, Flat 6, shows some evidence towards this but in a slightly different way. You could see how towards the end of that list the words were being generated at a slower rate, and I speculated there that this could be because of an energy drain for the spirit. Perhaps something to look into would be if the responses which take over a minute are independent events of a decrease in response time, if they are always beside at least one other decrease, or if it's entirely random? 

I also think I should briefly explain why I mentioned that I should look into coma patients. I remember during the time of this journal entry, I had a thought one night that the spirit is seperate from that body and that if this is the case then perhaps body and spirit required different types of energy to function. I speculated that the body receives it's energy from food and drink, but that the spirit requires a form of energy which is not so obvious. I thought about emotions and introverts and extroverts and that different people get energy from being in different environments and from being with different people. Sometimes it feels like a person or place can drain you of energy, but other times you can get a boost of energy. This isn't the body receiving energy as its had no physical input, so I speculated that instead it's the spirit getting energy from something we cannot see. 

This then led me to thinking about coma patients and that it's said talking to a coma patient can help them to wake up. People go into a coma when the body needs to shut down in order to recover, but sometimes the body is healed yet the person doesn't wake up. I speculated that this is because the spirit of the person is depleted of energy, hence why a loved one talking to the patient can help wake them. I speculated that while the loved one is talking to the coma patient, a type of energy transfer is occuring and once the spirit of the coma patient is recharged then they should wake. This also led me to wonder if electrocution could also wake a coma patient due to it being speculated about spirits being able to use electricity as a form of energy in order to communicate. I did find out that electrocution coma patients to wake them up had been tried, and worked, but that it didn't always work for long before the patient fell back into a coma. I will do a full blog post on this with proper research, but I just though I should mention it now as I mentioned that I should do the research in this journal entry. 

Thank you for reading to the end of this post! I really hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments whether that be about the blog, experiences of your own, or even places you would like for me to investigate, then you can comment and follow on here, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Reddit, and you can email for a quick response to any questions.


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