Stockport Flat Investigation 6

This post will show the results of the investigation I conducted on the 4th of May 2021. This is the sixth 'Spirit Talker' app based investigation I have done in this location, a flat in the Stockport area of England. It is the eleventh time in total where I had used the app. The way the app works is it uses a device's, in this case a tablet's, sensors to detect changes in the area around it. These changes can be vibrations, magnetic fields, and temperature etc. As the tablet I use doesn't have all of the sensors the app needs to fully function, the app only picks up on vibrations for me. Because of this, I tend to avoid touching my tablet during an investigation in order for it to remain as still as possible. I have experimented though, and it doesn't seem moving the device has an effect on output of words. So, this app is either a random word generator or is genuinely saying what spirits around it are wanting to say.

Below this post will be exactly like the previous word list ones I've done although hopefully in a little more detail. Since my last cross reference post, I've written out a full list of criteria to discuss so hopefully there will be some good analysis. In the future I intend on going back through my older posts so that they keep with this criteria, just for some consistency.

Above, you can see the full list of thirty words which were produced by the spirit talker app during the investigation. There are potentially seven names spoken in this list. I say potentially as 'Pat' may not be a name. As it follows 'tell', I'm going to assume it is for this list. This means there are seven names: 'Larry', 'Billy', 'Arthur', 'Dylan', 'Pat', 'Adam', and 'Geoff'. Every single one of these names is male, except for maybe 'Pat', which could be female. When it comes to the next cross reference of this location, I will include 'Pat' as a 0.5 on the number of neutral words, male names, and female names, as it could be any one of these. This means there are 7 names spoken, with 6.5 being male and 0.5 being female. 

No time periods are spoken in this list, and there are also no numbers at all mentioned. There is one gender reference, this being of a male when 'that was him' was spoken. I find it interesting that in a list dominated by male names, the one gender reference to be found is also male. As it's only one, it could be put down as a fluke but if this kind of pattern happens often enough across these lists then to me that shows significance. 

As 'that was him' was spoken, we can assume that there is more than one spirit present at the time the list was created. As this is the only reference of another spirit being present, we can also assume that there are not at all many spirits here. So far through this analysis I would assume for definite one male spirit, and at most two others who are likely also male, although one could be female depending on 'Pat'. 

In this list there is only one positive word spoken and two negative words. The rest are what I would call 'neutrals' as they are things like names and words which don't have any further meaning behind them as far as tone goes, such as 'tell' for example. The positive is 'keep going' as this sounds very much like words of encouragement and I don't know how this can be used in a negative tone. The negatives are 'I was killed' and 'Mess'. This leaves twenty seven neutral words out of thirty. 27/30 is quite the ratio of neutrals, and it will be interesting to see how this stacks up against previous lists. From memory I know there tended to be more negatives than positive, so the 2/1 there for negatives to positives doesn't surprise me, but 27/30 strikes me as steep. 

There are no duplicated words, however, it is worth discussing that there are roughly three references made to seeing the spirit. These references are 'You will see me', 'I will appear', and 'See my shadow'. The two others which could be related to this are 'I'm over here', and 'Come and go'. I remember at the time I interpreted 'Come and go' as being reference to how often people are in and out of the flat, but it could be reference to the spirit trying to appear, or to itself coming and going. 

I have memory of doing a list and it ending on 'Goodbye' after I had asked it to, and this could be this list. I don't know for sure if I'm misremembering this detail though, and without any notes written at the time I will never know for sure, but I thought it's worth mentioning it now just in case it did happen and just in case it happens again in the future. It's something I believe can happen, and from looking over the list it seems like there is a fair emphasis on communication. From looking at the list, I would say perhaps half of the words read as the spirit trying to have a conversation with me instead of the words playing out a story, or for it to be all doom and gloom. It's strange, and again may be interesting to compare to other lists. 

Above you can see the first half of the word list. I've put all of the words into a table where you can see from left to right: the word number, the time the word has been spoken, the word, the time difference between the words spoken, and arrows indicating if there was an increase or a decrease in the time taken for the next word to be spoken. This part of the analysis will be far more focused on the number side of things as numbers are definitive and are what makes something a science. Facts are key, and this is how you get undisputed facts regarding the paranormal. 

The list starts off with a decrease, and it takes over a minute for the first word to be spoken. This could either be something regarding it taking the sensors a certain amount of time to detect the first word through something like calibration, or it could be because the spirits present need time to gather energy required to reply, or maybe spirits need time to learn how to use the app. In this half of the list there are seven decreases in time taken to respond and seven increases in time taken to respond. I was not expecting a perfect split here, but it's what probability would say if this was random, if you ignore the potential but unlikely instance of the response time being exactly the same as the previous response time. 

There are no instances of a triple increase or decrease, in other words three of the same colour arrow in a row. There are however a few instances where there are double increases and decreases. There are two instances of double decreases and two instances of double increases. It's important to say i haven't included the last glimpse of a red arrow as that shows the time span which occurs after the final word, word 15, in this image. I will include it when discussing the second part of the list. Otherwise, this would have been another double increase from looking at this image. Looking at the image and ignoring the arrow I've just mentioned, you can see somewhat of a pattern with the arrows. Double green, double red, green, red, green occurs and then the opposite follows. I wouldn't say it draws any significance to the words, but I would say it makes it look like the arrows are not at all random. 

And now to do it all again with the second half of the list. There is just one triple increase in time taken to reply, and no triple decreases. I find it interesting that the triple increase occurs at the end, and that the final word took over a minute to say, as this imp.ies to me that the spirit was becoming drained of energy and so couldn't reply as fast. You can kind of see that pattern in this half of the list as it starts with a few double decreases but then as I've progresses the increases seep in until that triple increase happens. Including that top arrow, there are two double increases and two double decreases in time taken to respond. There are still no back to back equal times to respond. There are nine increases and six decreases in time taken to respond, showing that it was definitely taking longer to produce a response in the second part of this list. 

The minumum, maximum, and average response times for the list as a whole are as follows:

Min: 21 seconds
Max: 1 minute 21 seconds
Average: 44.5 seconds

It's strange that the number 21 is in both the minimum and maximum response times. Really these are numbers for the cross section and don't mean too  much just by themselves as I don't know the comparisons. It's interesting though that the first word took the maximum amount of time to say. 

My Conclusion

Having looked at all the data across all of the images, I would say there isn't much to discuss with the list. It seems you can see an increase in time taken to respond as the list progresses, which it great if this is a trend across lists as it supports the theory that spirits need energy to communicate like this and that this energy drains over time. It is also important to say the arrows didnt seem as random as I would expect for a random word generator. I know usually when I analyse these lists I say I can almost see a pattern, but for this list the patterns seemed there. 

I can't recall if I've speculated on there being a child relevant to the location with past word lists, but I feel like I have in which case it saying 'Son' could be relevant and could potentially mean this list lines up with the previous ones at this location. I do find all of the references to me seeing the spirit, or the spirit appearing in some way, the most important words in this list. If this happens across all of the lists then it isn't important and shows the app could be fake, but if this kind of coincidence frequently occurs in this location then that's incredible. We'll have to see in the next cross reference. Nothing else stood out to me in this list, which I suppose is good and to be expected from the point of view of it maybe being a legitimate app being used in a location which shouldn't be traditionally haunted due to no paranormal activity having occured there which I'm aware of.

Thank you for reading to the end of this post! I really hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments whether that be about the blog, experiences of your own, or even places you would like for me to investigate, then you can comment and follow on here, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Reddit, and you can email for a quick response to any questions.


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