OVERNIGHT's Haunted Homies E3: Jacob's Shadowman, Childish Companion, and Alligator Entity

Normally with these experience posts I wouldn't say anything at the start like this, I would just lead with the experience, however, I feel there are a couple of important things to let you know before reading this post. The first is that Corbin really botches reading out the experience, so I've tried the best I can to write the experience as he reads it, but that doesn't mean how he reads it is how it is originally written. I was tempted to adjust it to make the experience read how I believe it may have been originally written, but I don't want to be changing details accidentally. For this reason, I am really sorry the experience is going to read as somewhat messy. 

Another point to mention is the jokes. There were so many deviations of jokes when the OVERNIGHT team were discussing this story, whether that be as the story is being read out, or during the Q&A segment. This is why you will notice parts of the Q&A which feature '(...)'. These indicate where I have removed segments due to no relevant information being provided here and it just being jokes. It is also important to say I have kept everything which is said in the Q&A as close to how it is said as possible. This means I have chosen to include filler words and repetition so that everything spoken is accurately represented. It makes it a harder read, but it keeps it authentic.

Those points being said, I hope you enjoy reading about Jacob's paranormal experiences, along with him being questioned about them. I will provide my own thoughts on the experience, along with a summary of the activity, and a link to the OVERNIGHT team's video after the Q&A segment.

Jacob's Experience:

'This is why this one's interesting: it happened at Waverly in 2019. So, I work as a scare actor at a haunted house and we have a party that happens after the season for most of the haunted houses in the area, and they were doing a two-hour tour for the actors. Had paid some money still, but not as much, and so on the fourth floor there was a shadow figure. So, on the fourth floor where the shadow figure is stood walking towards us, we all, then it went on all fours and I watched it crawl onto the wall and onto the ceiling, still coming towards us, and then we continued down the hall and we turned around; it was gone, but also during that night, after I dropped my friend off at her house, the radio started acting up and it wouldn't go past static for a little bit. Then I got home and, washing off my makeup from the other night, I heard a little kid screaming in the bathroom with me while I was scraping my make up off. I also had some wierd experience when I was seven to ten at my aunt's house where I woke up in the middle of the night and saw some alligator type entity hissing and snarling, with glowing yellow eyes, while my cousin's cat was attacking it, and it followed me into my aunt's room.'

Jacob's Q&A:

Elton: "Okay, so, it's actually, what's, what's kind of interesting is we've gone to Asylum 49, which is a, a haunted location in Salt Lake City, we've done a couple of other places, like for example Waverly Hills, that have haunts and we always hear that during the October season, during the scare season when these haunts happen, activity actually tends to spike up because, and all the owners believe it, it's because there's so much more energy, so much more people that they could feel like they can kind of be more incognito and scare people, so they actually say that the actors tend to get equally as scared as the guests that are coming through paying for it. Do you, like, as, obviously you had someone follow you home in this circumstance"

Jacob: "Oh yeah"

Elton: "But have other staff members during the haunts been like: 'huh... what was that?' "

Jacob: "Um, I don't think to that extent. I know I think that we have, er, like a haunt ghost is what we just call it, something..."


Jacob: "But, like, uh, some tools will go moving across the haunt and no one's touched it. Uh, randomly one of, one of, like, uh, the two by fours could fall and no one's around it; none of the fans are on or anything, and just kind of, like, simple basic stuff"


Corey: "Tell me more about the shadow figure because I've been, I've been hearing a lot recently of people seeing shadow figures, but then they get on all fours"

Jacob: "Mhmm"

Corey: "I personally, I haven't seen that yet. I don't think I will, actually, we have seen stuff crawling around..."

Elton: "Crawling on the SLS, we've definitely seen that, yeah"

Corey: "But it's kind of been explained as if, like, what I've been hearing is they see it like a shadow man, but then it transforms into like an animal or something. Could you tell me more about exactly what you saw?"

Jacob: "So, the, at the time, the tour guide was like 'yeah, we have a shadow, we have a shadow figure on the fourth floor', so we get up to the fourth floor and then she's like 'all right, so we're all just gonna congregate right here and then everyone's gonna turn off their lights'. So we all turn off our lights, she's like 'all right, you can all look down that way, he's already there'. So, he's standing there and he's kind of just walking towards us, kind of just like a, just looks like a regular person, and then, erm, as soon as we're just like there for like thirty seconds, and then when she's like 'okay, we're about to leave'; it gets down on all fours and kind of just grows into this, like, taking up the whole hallway, like the length of the hallway and just grows, and just starts crawling..." 

Corey: "What?"

Jacob: "and then just slowly moves onto the wall and then moves up to the, the ceiling"


Corey: "That's insane. So that has to mean it's a demon, correct? It it's like shape-shifting and transforming into something else; wouldn't that mean it's demonic?"

Elton: "I, I don't know, I mean Skinwalkers can shape-shift, I mean, I don't know, there's so many, no one knows"

Corey: "That's what I'm tryin' a figure out"

Elton: "Like, no one has an actual, like, fact list of what they can, it's not like pokemon where you know, like, their abilities and their evolutions"


Elton: "And then you went home?"

Jacob: "Yeah, so, went home and dropped off my friend Taylor, and so, she lives not too far from here, so it was a quick drop off, and so as soon as she leaves and I start to pull out from her driveway, the stereo's just all static and nothing's wanting to connect or anything; it was just playing static. So, I had to turn off my car and then turn it back on, and then it was perfectly fine, so then I drove home"

Corbin: "So this is in an area that, where you would get radio, you would get signal?"

Jacob: "Yes. Yeah, 'cause it's like ten minutes from here"

Corbin: "Oh wow"

Elton: "Now at this point had you put two and two together that they could be connected?"

Jacob: "No"

Elton: "Or were you just like 'radio issue'?"

Jacob: "I was just like 'well', I, I think I did, I don't remember. I could have just been like 'well, there it goes' and then just turn it off and then turn it back on"

Corbin: "Yeah. Okay, so you were, this wasn't the moment that you were scared"

Jacob: "No"

Corbin: "This was more like a... okay"

Jacob: "it wasn't until I got home and then I hopped in the shower to get off my, ah, my actor's makeup and then I'm scrubbing, I'm scrubbing, and then I just hear: 'AHHH' "

Corbin: "That loud?"

Jacob: *Nods*

Elton: "And no one's in your house?"

Jacob: "My parents are asleep at the house, but they didn't hear it"

Elton: "So, do you think this was a, a uh, someone from the place you were scaring people being like 'oo, my turn'?"

Jacob: "No"

Elton: "No?"

Jacob: "No"

Elton: "So, what do you think it was?"

Jacob: "Um, I think it was just the, I think it was the child entity that's here, actually, that followed me home because you know how there was a child entity that's on the third floor? Third or fourth floor? The one that likes to play with the ball?"

Elton: "Yeah"

Jacob: "I believe it's that one that followed me home"

Corbin: "How did that make you feel that something could be attached to you, or had gone to where you live?"

Jacob: "I was scared at first, and then I was like, 'you know what, if you want to stay here you can like, come check in and, like, see how I'm doin' "


Corey: "Um, okay, I want to hear more about this alligator though"

Jacob: "So..."

Elton: "Oh, yeah, I forgot, it was so much packaged into that little story"

Corbin: "It was a lot of different things in the story"

Jacob: "So, I still get made fun of this, from this, by my aunt who used to live at that house. Um, I'll bring it up sometimes be like 'hey, you remember the alligator?' And she's like 'oh yeah, the alligator' "


Jacob: "But, I was sleeping, obviously, uh, and then I wake up, just from something, and I turn my head, and then I just hear the, like the signature alligator just hissing, and just, like, opening of the mouth kind of"

Corey (?): "What?"

Jacob: "And then just see the little kitten just smacking it, just smacking its head, and I'm like 'what are you doing?' "

Elton: "What, what little kitten?"

Corey: "His cat"

Corbin: "The cat"

Elton: "Oh, right, sorry"

Jacob: "Yeah, so the little kitten was just like smacking like, smacking, like behind its head and I'm like 'what is that?' And then it just starts, like, moving as first and I'm like 'there's no way that's like a cat because it has glowing yellow eyes'. I'm like 'whaaat' and then, so, it comes from under the table, and then I get up and I run in my aunt's room, and it's slowly moving, and I can hear it hissing down the hallway, and then the doors open, so then I still see it and it's still slowly coming, and it goes underneath, underneath the bed"

Corbin: "What?"

Jacob: "Yeah. Just underneath the bed, and I still hear it, and I just go to sleep somehow"

Corey: "What?"

Jacob: "And then just nothing. Nothing after that"

Corey: "Do you think that was the, like the shape-shifting shadow that you saw?"

Corbin: "There's a lot of things at play here that you're talking about"

Jacob: "Yeah"

Corbin: "Because you're talking about shape-shifting shadow, but then you're also talking about there was another entity here on the third floor that could have been the boy"

Jacob: "Yeah"

Corbin: "So that, I think, I think you're just fucked up"

Jacob: "Well... yeah"

Corey: "That, that's, that's insane"

Elton: "Now, have you, have you done anything, like, at your home to make sure there's nothing still there, like have you felt anything since that one night, like have you taken any measures since then or are you just still like 'yeah'?"

Jacob: "Yeah, I'm still kind of like 'whatever'. Er, actually, sometimes now, um, so I don't like with my parents anymore, I live with my partner, and so, I named it Toby actually"

Corbin: "Toby!"

Corey: "The alligator?"

Jacob: "No, the, the one, the little kid or someone that followed me home"

Corey: "Oh, okay"

Jacob: "So now he checks in"

Elton: "What would you name the alligator?"

Jacob: "I didn't name him yet"

Elton: "Dude, that's probably why it's trying to kill you"

Corey (?): "Yeah, that's what it is"

Elton: "She's like 'come on dude, give me a name!' "

Jacob: "Um, Gerard, that's his name now"

Corey: "Gerard"

Elton: "Gerard the gater"

Corbin: "He's the butler in the house"

Jacob: "And, so, just now it's just like an occasional, like, peeking around the corner, like, down the hallway to like see what we're doing and then just gone"

Corey: "Did you ever mess with ouija boards and stuff?"

Jacob: "I've tried, that hasn't been successful, for me at least, um, but other than that I've always said goodbye"

Corey: "Do you" *Inaudible* "The house?" - (possibly: "Do you have one in the house?")

Jacob: "No"

Corey: "No?"

Jacob: "I haven't, I haven't touched one since, actually before all this happened, like before going, coming here"

Corey: "Okay"

Jacob: "I would say 2017, so, yeah, 2017 was the last time I touched the ouija board"

Corey: "Okay"

Summary of Activity:

1. Shadow apparition manifestation and movement 
2. Shadow apparition shape-shifting 
3. Car radio malfunction - just static
4. Disembodied child voice screaming
5. Alligator apparition with glowing yellow eyes, sound, and movement 
6. Cat interaction with alligator apparition
7. Child apparition 

My Thoughts:

This is quite possibly the hardest experience post I've done because not only are the discussed experiences involved vague, but there isn't a great deal of elaborated detail in the Q&A segment. It also doesn't help that the OVERNIGHT team keep making jokes whenever they can, and I felt sorry for Jacob because it did feel like his experiences were being drowned out by all the jokes. What I would have liked to have seen from the OVERNIGHT team is them taking it seriously and trying to understand exactly what happened, and exactly what Jacob had experienced during each event. 

The exact timeline is he encounters the alligator when his is a child, then as an adult he visits a location on a tour and sees the shadow figure. He experiences radio issues on the way home from this tour, and then hears a child scream when he is at home. He then sees the child every now and then in his house. What I personally would like to know more about is why Jacob thinks it is the child from the location that followed him home. I know he has heard and seen the child, but that doesn't connect it to that location, and he seemed sure when questioned that it was the child from that location, and not just a random child spirit which he was encountering in his house. This is something I think the OVERNIGHT team should have picked up on, and should have asked.

I think the shadow figure everyone saw in the tour he went on is dubious. Without being there, I don't trust it. I trust he experienced what he says he experienced, but I know tours through haunted locations can add effects to replicate experienced hauntings. With what he has described, I feel like the shadow figure he experienced with that tour group was something the locations runs as part of the tour and none of them were told that it was just effects. I could be wrong as I wasn't there, but that's what the description sounds like, especially given the tour guide with absolute certainty knew the figure would be there if everyone switched off their torches. 

As for the radio malfunction, no other paranormal activity occured while he was in the car, and it was resolved by resetting the car. If it was a spirit effecting the radio, then I would expect the static issue to persist beyond a reset of the vehicle. 

The scream and activity he has experienced with the child is the most interesting part of all his experiences for me. I always look at these experiences from the mindset of the person hasn't made stuff up, so try to think of ways these experiences could have naturally occured. Hearing a child scream, and seeing the child occasionally afterwards isn't something you can explain unless either a window is open to let in sound, or a child is in the house. So, my theory on the noise is that he did have a window open while in the shower to let out steam and as a result the scream he heard may have been an animal from outside. His parents won't have heard it because they were asleep in a different room, one with a window closed, and further away from the sound's origin. Again, this is just speculation as the OVERNIGHT team didn't ask these questions, but that is what I'm thinking. As for him seeing a child, I think that will either be this idea of a child being there having a psychological effect, and so his mind causes for him to see a child-like shape from the corner of his eye, or, his house is legitimately haunted by a child which he sees occasionally. I do not think though, if a child is haunting him, that it will be one from the location he thinks it is from.

Now, the alligator. He says this experience occured between two points of sleep. He wakes up, experiences the alligator, goes to his aunts room, and then goes back to sleep. It is possible that he either dreamt it, or that it was some sort of hallucination which can occur, similar to what occurs during sleep paralysis, when in a certain state of waking. He sounds far too casual about the event, and describes it in a way where he makes it seem like he wasn't panicked at the time, despite an alligator with glowing eyes making its way towards him. He says it goes under his bed and he just goes back to sleep. This implies to me that he wasn't too far off being asleep when he experienced this, especially as he wasn't feeling the adrenaline I would expect to receive from this experience, and so was able to go back to sleep. 

As I said earlier, all of this is just speculation from me, but the points I've made are logical assumptions about each event. It would be very interesting though if the alligator was a real manifestation of a spirit or entity of some sort. It isn't often that you hear of people experiencing spirits of animals, or entities which take an animal form, and when you do it tends to be the form of a dog or wolf. I do think though that it is likely only the child apparition which is the true piece of paranormal activity Jacob has experienced out of these events. 

If you want to watch the full episode of OVERNIGHT's 'Haunted Homies', feel free to click the link below:

Thank you for reading to the end of this post! If you do have anything you'd like to say whether that be about the blog, experiences of your own, or even places you would like for me to investigate, then you can comment and follow on here, Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, and you can email thetrueparanormal1@gmail.com for a quick response to any questions. I've also been uploading some investigation videos to The True Paranormal YouTube channel, so please check those out if you haven't already. Not much has been happening so far, but I think they're still interesting to watch. The link is down below:


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