Most Haunted Halloween Week PT5 Review

On the 4th of November 2023 Most Haunted released their video titled 'Most Haunted Halloween Week PT5' to their youtube channel 'Most Haunted Official'. This fifth part is the final part to their lengthy investigation of Pendle Hill which covered a number of locations across the Gisburne Estate. During this review, just as with my other reviews, I will be both positive and critical towards the Most Haunted team. I will give my honest thoughts on any 'evidence' they claim to capture, as with the investigation techniques they use.  Personally, I do believe the paranormal exists, but I try to be skeptical where I see possible and so this is the perspective the review will be written from.

My Prediction From Last Time:

For the last couple of reviews, I've left a prediction at the end to see if I can guess anything in particular that may happen in the following part, and to see if I can guess how much activity each team member would get. At the end of part 4, we were told that Gregg would be in the psychiatric building, that Karl and Stuart would be together in the upper living quarters, and that Yvette and Glen would be together in the witches cottage. My prediction reads as follows:

"The episode ended with Yvette telling us that Gregg was going to be in the psychiatric building, that Karl and Stuart were together again in the upper living quarters, and that herself and Glen were in the witches cottage. Surely a tap is going to turn on. If Glen had it, I'm sure Karl and Stuart will have it. I'm still expecting one of them to see an apparition of some sort as we've had Stuart see light anomalies and Karl's seen a face in a window. Again, definite tapping, definite slamming of doors, and definite footsteps. I do think some sort of voice may occur too. As I said in my prediction the last time they were together, all bets are off. 

As for Gregg, I think he's going to get tapping. Each investigation so far he's only really had faint tapping, so I think it will continue. He may get footsteps, but I dont think it will be loud or clear. For Glen and Yvette, I'd absolutely love for something significant to happen, but I just don't think it will. I think possible tapping, and maybe something that might be an audio overlay. I've seen the thumbnail for the video and it looks like Yvette might do some scrying, so I think she'll see a face in the mirror if she does." 

I should probably have clarified that Yvette would see a face that was not her own, but what's written is written, and so I definitely wasn't wrong. As for everything else though, let's see. 

Yvette and Glen: The Witches Cottage

I'm going to say now that I was quite confused while watching the team investigated this location as before the five part Halloween special was released to YouTube, the Most Haunted team did release a video which showed them investigate what Yvette has dubbed as 'the witches cottage'. During that first video, it seemed like it was the first time they had investigated the location, especially as they had never released a video about it before. So when they released the Halloween specials, it struck me as odd that they made no reference to that prior investigation in the witches cottage. During this part, Yvette does say it's the first time she's been in an area of the witches cottage and so I'm assuming they filmed this before their solo witches cottage video titled 'Return to Pendle Hill'. I think the team should have clarified this, but that's all I'll say on the matter. 

Yvette and Glen's investigation starts with them both outside the cottage, presumably to show how windy it is outside and to show it's their first time stepping into the property. There is a dramatic moment as Yvette says 'Pendle Hill is completely obliterated by the night, the night clouds, and the storm clouds'. I don't think this kind of dramatic speech is necessary for an investigation, but I can understand the team needs to build tension and make it somewhat entertaining to maintain a view count for the video. I would much rather them build tension and make things more entertaining with speech than by screaming at every slight tap and by faking, or misinterpreting, things.

Before they enter Yvette asks Glen how he's feeling, and he responds with 'excited, just me and you'. I really like that Yvette asks Glen how he feels before he goes in as it is said spirits can have an effect on your mood, so it's good to get a before and after on how everyone feels. His response though does mark the start of a strange narrative which may be unintentional, but happens too often not to question. I'll go more into this once more of the narrative is spoken. 

They both enter the house, and as they do Glen says he's leaving 'some things' in the little indoor porch type area. It's a minor criticism, but I don't know what he's left by the door or why. I think transparency is crucial for legitimate paranormal investigations, and so I think either himself or Yvette should have clarified what he had left there. Without the clarification, anything they may experience coming from that area would have a question mark above it due to whatever has been left in that area. 

Yvette points out that it's really cold in the house, although doesn't say that it's down to anything paranormal. She then makes a comment that feeds into the wierd narrative I mentioned earlier as she says 'it's just me and you, and the whole house to ourselves'. There seems to be quite an emphasis through their segments on it just being them two alone together, and it is never said in a way which implies they're just talking about if they hear anything they know no one living has caused it. It's really strange, especially as they don't provide any kind of paranormal context around it. 

Yvette also says 'we know the history, we know what's happened here' and I find that very odd for her to say because any history discussed by the team about the location is purely speculation. They think it had a connection to the Pendle Witches, but they don't know for sure. I've also tried looking into the location online but the only thing I could find was its listing as a filming location to rent on the Gisburne Estate website. Even when Stuart was asking Karl about the location, Karl admitted they don't know much about the location regarding when it was built. Plus, in the part 1 video, Yvette says the location's history is 'mysterious' and that it is 'thought' to have been a courtroom and 'some believe' it was a place of execution. None of that backs up her saying they know the history or what happened there during this part five episode. 

Two bangs occur from upstairs and Glen comments on it saying 'I wasn't sure if that was wind down the chimney or footsteps upstairs'. I like that he's provided an alternative explanation to it being something paranormal, but wind down a chimney sounds quite different to footsteps, and this was two distinct bangs. It's good though that he's mentioned the presence of a chimney as that is important to something they experience a little later. 

Yvette calls out 'hello' and Glen tells the spirit that they can try to scare them out. Three more footsteps/bangs occur and Glen does something quite good here. Yvette asks 'can you hear that' and so instead of just saying yes, or saying what could be heard, Glen asks 'what did you hear?' Yvette says it sounded like footsteps, and so Glen asks 'which room' and attempts to say where he though they came from at the exact same time as Yvette. Both say 'above us' at the same time, and the reason I like him doing this is because it removes the possibility of mistruth. If Yvette said 'above us', then Glen could have agreed and we'd never know if that was him being truthful, or he may have been unsure and Yvette saying where she thought it came from could cause a false confirmation for Glen. So, by saying it at the same time, we know they both are likely being truthful and that it genuinely sounded like it was from above them. It's the equivilant of them both writing it on a piece of paper before sharing. 

Glen asks Yvette if she wants to go upstairs straight away and she says she doesn't because she wants to get used to the sounds of the house, and the wind, first. Glen says this is a good call, and I can see both sides of the argument here. From one side it's good because you're getting used to the house's natural noises before jumping to paranormal conclusions, but on the other side you could skeptically say there's someone upstairs and Yvette is just giving them time to hide or do more things without pressure of having to hide. Trusting there is no one else in the building, I am inclined to agree with Glen on it being best to get used to the location. If it was frequent banging, then I would definitely go upstairs and show no one is there, but that hasn't happened so I do think Yvette makes the right call here. 

Yvette then has a wierd moment where she kind of freaks out a little bit while saying 'we're in a haunted house' as though she's never been in a supposedly haunted house before. She seems both overly shocked and excited in this moment, and it's wierd because she's been investigating all sorts of supposedly haunted locations for at least twenty years. She's investigated 30 East Drive, a house which is said to have a very active poltergeist in it, so I don't know why she acts like this is the first house she's ever been in which is said to be haunted. I'm assuming this is one of those moments included for the views.

Yvette calls out again with 'are we welcomed in your house' which I found to be really good and respectful to both the spirit and the location. She also asks for noises and footsteps to occur before asking Glen how he feels again. He, unfortunately, doesn't say so much how he's feeling regarding emotion, but does say that he feels like stuff will happen if they go upstairs. Now, does he suspect someone is up there and wants to check? Maybe. I've gained a suspicion over these reviews that Glen may be aware of certain things and wants to try and expose them, but likely has to do so in a subtle way. I'll discuss this suspicion more in my overall review post, but it is important to mention. 

Despite Glen saying he thinks stuff will happen if they go upstairs, Yvette chooses to stay downstairs and says 'I feel we're being watched. We're being watched very very closely'. I found the timing of that quite funny as it kind of does relate to the fact i think Glen is being watched very very closely by the Most Haunted team, although that is all speculation. Yvette then calls out to see if Jenet Preston, one of the Pendle Witches, is there, and Glen says it sounded like a voice came from upstairs. He further describes it as being something trying to acknowledge Yvette, but that he didn't know if it was a yes or no. You can hear this noise on the camera, and I completely believe it is likely an owl or a pigeon; some sort of wild animal. With Glen mentioning the chimney earlier, I think the noise has likely travelled down the chimney and that's what he has heard. 

Yvette and Glen's second segment starts with them in the kitchen and Yvette calling out for spirits to slam the cupboard doors. Glen says he heard a boom above them, which really does make me think he's trying to get Yvette to go upstairs following the footsteps they both heard. He also refers to the camera as a light box when calling out to the spirits, which is something I really appreciate him doing as it shows he's thinking about things from the spirit's perspective. He does later elaborate to Yvette that the reason he's referred to the camera as a light box is because the spirit likely won't know what a camera is and that they'd just know it as a box which is glowing. 

Yvette starts laughing after Glen calls the camera a light box, but she explains that it's because of the overall atmosphere of the location, and that they're a five minute drive from the rest of the team. She also says 'it's just the two of us' and seems amazed by it, again continuing the strange narrative and emphasis on it being just him and her in the building but without much paranormal context. She then whistles and asks for the spirits to copy her, but no response is given. This is where Glen elaborates about the light box, and I really do think it's great that he does this. 

They both start to leave the kitchen area and move forwards, but Yvette glances at the camera and tells Glen to walk backwards with her. She doesn't say why, she just says to do it, which I really like because again it avoids any kind of confirmation bias. Once they take a few steps back, she explains that it could have just been her eyes but as they were walking she'd seen a woman's face in the fireplace behind them when it came in shot on the camera. She also says she wants Karl to check in the edit, which tells us that Karl does work on the editing which is very important. Nothing is highlighted here, so nothing could be seen in the fireplace and so was likely Yvette experiencing paradoilia in this moment. Glen does ask Yvette if she wants to try again to recreate it, and they do, but Yvette does say it probably was just her eyes.

Yvette calls out to the spirits and does another great thing here, and that is explain to them that they are spirits. The reason why this is great is because they may not realise that they're dead. Yvette also assumes that they see the location as they saw it when they were alive which isn't great as it's just a theory, but she speaks as though this is fact. I don't mind her discussing it as a theory, it's just problematic when you take a theory and treat it as absolute. 

Glen then asks what she'd do if she saw a face at the window which provokes quite an extreme reaction from Yvette. She has a bit of a go at him, telling him to shut up and that she can't look at the windows now. She does then joke about it, which is good. This is where they both go into what Glen refers to as a larder, and then he shows the old meat hooks on the ceiling. Yvette tells him that it's really quiet and says that makes it fascinating because if they hear a loud bang then they'll know it isn't the house as they've shown the location is naturally really quiet. This was a really good comment from Yvette, and is an extremely good point for her to have made. This is where they both finally go upstairs.

Yvette and Glen's final segment begins with Yvette telling Glen 'these stairs are wide enough for us both to be together' which is more of the wierd narrative of this segment, and absolutely has no paranormal context whatsoever. It just highlights the strange obsession Yvette seems to have during this episode of being alone with Glen, and them both being together. It was quite a humorous narrative though. 

Yvette asks Glen which room he wants to go in first and he tells her about the room with the interesting wall slats, so they go into that room. Yvette calls out 'hello, are you here' and then asks Glen what made him feel like he wanted to be up there. He maintains his stance of not knowing why, but feeling like they'll just get activity if they're up there instead of being downstairs. Yvette does hear a bang here, but Glen immediately says it was just his foot. She asks him if he feels uneasy, and he says not really, which she immediately disagrees with by calling him a liar and admits that she's terrified. 

Glen then calls out and asks them to copy his knocking. He knocks three times on the wooden wall slats, but hears nothing, and so does it again, but still hears nothing. This prompts Yvette to say it's really quiet and leave the room. She calls out 'hello' and says she doesn't know why she's saying hello, and Glen says because it's the polite thing to do, and she agrees with him while elaborating on it by saying they're in someone else's house. 

This is where Yvette approaches a room and says she's got a really bad feeling about that room. Glen enters it, but Yvette stands in the doorway looking into the room. As she enters the room, she says her stomach is flipping and that her legs have gone. This is where Yvette has what I refer to as a 'Derek moment'. For context, Derek Acorah was a psychic medium on Most Haunted for a fair few seasons from 2002, and he would often seem over dramatic and become 'possessed' by spirits. This is kind of what happens with Yvette here, but on a much smaller scale. Yvette asks 'has something happened in this room' and says 'I've just got the word misery in my mind, misery'. Through this she has her eyes closed and her arm out to her side with her hand resting on some drawers and whispers 'misery, misery' as though she is having some sort of psychic connection with the spirits, just like Derek did. She even says 'I don't know if that's what I'm picking up on' which is very Derek.

Glen then points out the mirror in the room and asks Yvette if she wants to do any scrying, which is the act of staring into a mirror to see if you see anything in the background or to see if your face changes into that of a spirit present. She says 'yeah' immediately, but after a few seconds of staring into the mirror she says no and that she's freaking herself out. Glen convinces her to try it again, and she does, but then the footage 'ends' on TV static. Narration tells us that for no technical reason the camera lost all power, the batteries were only recently charged, and that they had over 180 minutes left on the battery before they started filming this vigil. I find this odd, and again it makes me wonder what Glen left by the door because I would assume that to be backup batteries or equipment. This makes me speculate that something may have been caught in the mirror which they couldn't edit out, so they decided instead to do this odd and abrupt cut. I have heard though that haunted locations can really drain batteries, as do cold locations, and Yvette did comment on it being extremely cold earlier. 

Gregg: The Psychiatric Building

Gregg's investigation also starts outside his building, and he says that he thinks it's called 'the psychiatric ward' in Gisburne. As he enters, he does admit that he was in there briefly earlier. It's good that he admits this, because as I mentioned earlier, full transparency is very important when it comes to legitimate paranormal investigating. He says it's a totally different vibe in there when compared to the main house, and also says that people would have been sectioned in the building. He talks a bit about the caged off area outside and says it's 'almost like a prison' which tells me the team haven't been told about anything about what the Gisburne Estate website lists the property as, because this area is listed as a psychiatric ward/prison. This was the same when Yvette and Karl investigated the area as they seemed incredibly shocked and surprised that there were actual cells there, but seemed oblivious to the fact it was a prison. 

Gregg calls the location 'quite sinister', which I'm not a fan of because nothing has happened yet to portray it as so. He then hears a noise at the other end of the corridor to him and says this has been happening to him all night and that it's like the spirits are playing with him. This is where he goes to the cells and says they do look like cells. He also speaks about them as though he's assuming they were here while the location was in use as a psychiatric ward. I don't know the history of the location, only what the Gisburne Estate website has it listed as, and so maybe it was used as both a prison and psychiatric building at the same time. I don't know why the team seems to know so little, and seems to have told us so little, about the location though. It seems odd. 

Gregg then hears noises down the other end again and moves in that direction while briefly showing inside each room. Once he gets there, he then says he's now hearing noises at the other end and goes down that way. This is where he hears a bang of a door behind him, and so he quickly turns the camera but doesn't mention the sound or any possibility of it being paranormal. This is possibly because he's just walked through that door, and so he's assumed the noise was just the door closing behind him. He then checks inside a room, steps put into the corridor, and calls out 'make a noise'. It seems like the door behind him slams again and he very quickly turns again, but no movement of the door is captured on camera. 

There are a couple of possibilities here. One is that the door behind him did close, but it takes a while to close, which means whoever has just opened it has a good bit of time to get clear in time for when Gregg spins around. Another possibility is that the noise has come from the door of the room he has just checked. When Gregg steps out into the corridor, you do briefly see what looks like his fingers to the left of the screen, the same side as the door of the room. He could have used his left hand to catch that door for a few moments to let us forget he's just gone through a door, and then let it go to make it close. The sound we heard may have been that door to his left closing, not the door behind him closing. I don't think the sound is an overlay, but that is always a possibility. The only other remaining explanation is that it was paranormal. Personally, from watching all five parts, I think there's someone in the building and that the door takes a moment to close. I don't think Gregg fakes things.

Gregg does recreate the sound by opening the door and letting it close, and the sound does match up. He also points out that it closes slowly, but doesn't say someone could have opened it without him knowing. This just says the door could have been opened a few moment before he had chance to turn the camera. He then hears a noise behind him while he's recreating the sound and so goes to the other end of the corridor. He explains that he's getting the runaround. He then enters a new corridor and says the corridor reminds him of what life would be like after a zombie apocalypse, which is dramatic, but I absolutely understand where he is coming from.

Gregg's next segment starts with him asking if anyone is there. He points out some pipes which are on the wall and says that he just mistook them for bars on a door. He explains that we have the benefit of the infra red top light, but he doesn't and so is just going off very limited lighting caused by the camera. He says it's a very different experience for him than what it is for us watching it due to the lighting differences. He says it's quite pleasant as far as psychiatric units go, but then still ends up calling it eerie and unpleasant. 

He then calls out for doors to slam and for the spirits to scare him. Nothing happens, and this causes him to comment that while in that area he's heard nothing at all. He then goes back into the previous corridor where he was hearing noises and starts to hear noises from the other end of that corridor again. He follows the noise and goes into a different corridor. He calls out for the spirits to make a noise and to slam a door infront of him, but again ends up saying he's having nothing in that corridor either. He says that in the main corridor he seems to be hearing noises at either end. 

Gregg then finds the stairs, but before climbing them he briefly shows the caged area outside through a door's window. After showing us this area, he does go upstairs and calls out 'can you hear my voice?' He then points out the children's pictures on the walls and calls out to any children present, assuming this area will have been used to help children. He introduces himself and says he means no harm before then walking around the upper floor to show the interior of each room to the camera. It's really good that Gregg takes the time to show each room, granted he doesn't show it for long, but it's more than other team members do when they have the camera. This helps to establish that he is alone in the area he is showing. 

When he finds the lift, he asks if the spirits can operate the lift, and then hears what he refers to as a 'scuff'. He asks if that was the spirit for them to make the noise again, but it doesn't reoccur. He then goes into the activity room and asks if there's any activity in there, which I found to be quite a funny joke. This is when he puts the camera down, to achieve a full body shot of himself, and calls out in the activity room to any children who may be present. I've mentioned it in previous reviews, but the insistence Gregg seems to have on achieving this full body shot is incredible. I think this is something that should be done as often as possible by all investigators as it shows they aren't the one  behind any noises, if any noises do occur.

Gregg's final segment begins with him still in the activity room and calling out 'can you tell me your name? My name's Gregg'. He still gets no response. As the activity room has no activity in it, he picks up the camera and leaves the room. He tells the spirits that he's going to go in a minute, which then causes him to hear a noise from downstairs. Gregg does follow this sound back downstairs, and says that upstairs and the end corridors seem to be quiet but the main corridor on the ground floor seems to have some sort of activity. 

He puts the camera down again, this time on a point pot at the end of a corridor, to get the full body shot of himself. He asks the spirit to slam the doors shut and then asks for one specific door to close. He hears a faint noise which sounds a little like a door close at the end of the corridor as he approaches the camera, and he points out to us that it's always at the other end of the corridor. He then tells the spirit to slam a specific door and says he doesn't think they can because they haven't got enough energy or power. Nothing at all happens, but a funny moment does follow as Gregg goes to close the door himself and he finds that he can't. He tells the spirits 'yeah, alright, fair enough, I'll give you that one' which I found really funny. 

He keeps calling out for the spirits to do something such as to push him, and he even tells them not to be scared. He really does say everything possible for a paranormal investigator to say in order to provoke or encourage activity, and so I think his whole investigation is really good and seems very professional. He tells us that he knows something's there and that it's got great potential. He also says it's still early days. This is where Gregg thanks the spirit for what they did give him and then he leaves the building.

Karl and Stuart: The Upper Living Quarters

Karl and Stuart's investigation starts with both of them standing at the top of a spiral staircase. Stuart then says 'my feet are just tingling looking at that drop' which, to me, came across as a really funny comment. During my previous review, I discussed how Stuart is basically the Karl Pilkington of paranormal investigators, and this is the kind of thing I'm on about. He comes out with some random comments, and that makes the comparison seem accurate to me. 

Stuart asks Karl what the area they're in would have been used for, and Karl says he thinks it's a living quarters for all of the doctors and nurses. Stuart makes a comment about there being dead flies everywhere, and this prompts Karl to say it's like Amityville. Again, I get saying these kinds of things for views, but it's really not necessary and if it's overdone I feel it can lower the quality and validity of an investigation. Karl points out the emergency lighting as they both walk through the upper living quarters, and he says they can't do anything about those lights and that aside from those it's still quite dark. 

This is where Stuart says he's just seen something walk across down the corridor and describes it as a dark shadow. This causes Karl and Stuart to investigate what I jokingly have been referring to as 'the worlds most haunted toilet' since watching this episode, because this toilet is the centre of activity for all of Karl and Stuart's investigation. Stuart describes this shadow as going from infront of this toilet to a room off to the side, and he says he didn't see the legs move, but that he did see a shadow move across and that this wouldn't have been caused by Karl's camera. 

Karl goes into the side room and sees that there is a door open with a couple of stairs, and decides to go inside. He finds that it's just a small room with a water tank in, so he leaves it be. Stuart keeps discussing the shadow and Karl speculates that he's quite possibly just seen the shadow go from the toilet and into the side room. Karl then hears a door slam behind him, from the direction of the toilet. Stuart adamantly tries finding which door it was and says that they're all open, and that one is even wedged open. Karl explains that he thought it came from the door frame he is near to, but then sees that there is no door on the frame. 

Personally, I think that Karl and Stuart's investigation likely features a few overlayed sounds, and that this could be one of them. A paranormal explanation to what they experience would be that this activity is working in the same way as stone tape theory where the location is replaying the sound of a door slamming, but with no door actually being slammed. I'm surprised neither mention this potential paranormal explanation if it is genuine phenomena, especially as they should both be aware of stone tape theory. 

The next segment for Karl and Stuart starts with Stuart explaining that what they've just heard is whatever he's just seen going across has slammed a door. He refers to this as residual activity, and this is extremely good and is a way of talking about stone tape theory without discussing stone tape theory. Again, I'm surprised they don't mention the theory by name, but it is good that Stuart identifies what they've experienced as potentially being a residual haunting. Karl says that the location has really drained him and that for the first time he's been hearing noises in rooms and not been wanting to go in to investigate. I'm really glad Karl has acknowledged this as it is something I've criticised him quite heavily for in previous reviews. 

Stuart agrees with Karl and says that Gregg's been asking him if he's alright. Karl tells Stuart that he does seem off and Stuart says he's physically and mentally drained from what he's experienced during the night. Karl agrees and says it's the place and that it drains you. He also says he doesn't know if it's because of the quantity and the size of the locations with it being corridor after corridor feeling like you're being watched and that you can't relax. He goes on a little more saying he thinks they need a week to investigate somewhere like that, but Stuart disagrees by saying if they did it over a week then they'd need to be in a straight jacket afterwards. I think Stuart is a bit overdramatic, but I get what he's saying. Investigating can be physically and mentally draining, so I absolutely agree with what Karl and Stuart are discussing here.

Karl then hears what he refers to as footsteps, although it sounds like a door handle jiggling. Karl walks towards the toilet while Stuart holds back at good distance with the camera, and then with the good distance follows Karl. The footage shows Karl jump at a noise which sounds like the toilet door handle jiggling. Stuart asks what the noise was, and Karl says it was the door handle. I have rewound this segment and watched it in slow motion and I highly suspect the sound isn't overlayed, but is instead Stuart causing the sound. The noise occurs the exact moment Stuart passes a door to his right. I suspect Stuart has likely jiggled the door handle to his right and Karl has reacted to it. I then think this audio was taken and overlayed in the footage earlier as it does sound like the same noise. I could be wrong, but it was wierd timing for Stuart to walk past a door handle at the exact moment you hear a door handle. 

Stuart tells Karl that he thought Karl had made the sound, but Karl says it definitely wasn't him as he was standing too far away from the door. I agree with Karl here, and he even shows it would take him two steps to reach that handle. While they are both near the toilet, knocking happens behind them which causes them to turn away from the toilet. While the camera isn't showing the toilet, the door handle jiggles again, which then causes Stuart to put the handle back in shot but it stops just before it is. Stuart makes a point of saying he has the door handle in shot, but Karl says he can see a green light which causes the handle to go out of shot again. Stuart tells Karl that the green light is the fire alarm and that it's on a sensor.

Both of them then leave the toilet area, and Stuart asks Karl if he thinks it's children. The response is that they don't know for sure. I'm not sure why Stuart thought to ask if itzxs because of children as they haven't had any evidence to suggest this. Karl starts talking about how they're usually both on it and can usually investigate for hours on no sleep, but because of the energy in the place, 'this negative thing', as he refers to it; he wants to be infront of a fireplace. I'm glad that Karl has acted a bit differently during this video than the previous parts as he's actually taking the time to explain his feelings and why he's reacting as he is rather than just seeming really frightened and over reacting to everything.

Stuart then hears a noise to his right which Karl doesn't hear, although when Stuart refers to hearing what he describes as 'a movement' to his right, Karl does say he heard a scraping sound. The sound Stuart describes is very different to what Karl says he heard, and it's odd that Karl didn't react to the initial sound like Stuart did. I have two explanations for this sound. The first is it's potentially an overlay, which is why Karl didn't hear it. Another explanation is that it's something being scrunched in Stuart's pocket. It sounds like a crisp packet crinkle, or like velcro gently being messed with. It doesn't sound like 'a movement' or a scrape. 

Karl and Stuart's final part starts with them both at the top of the spiral staircase again, which is the direction Stuart had heard the sound from. Stuart asks if there is anyone down there and some bizarrely timed footsteps happen. They're bizarrely timed because as far as I can tell they never occur while someone is talking, only ever before or after. Stuart says he can hear the rain, and Karl asks if Stuart heard the footsteps along with saying they can tell the difference between that and the rain. 

Stuart says he can hear someone walking around and Karl says they're coming up the stairs. Again, these footsteps of someone coming up the stairs only ever happen inbetween speech which I find odd. Karl says that the footsteps went up the stairs but that they couldn't see a thing. I'm critical of what Stuart says next, because he says they could go downstairs and not see a thing as though he's making up an excuse to not go downstairs. If they've genuinely heard those footsteps, they need to show no one is down there. There were a fair few stairs out of shot, so it's very easy to say someone on those steps was how it was done. 

Karl says he followed the sounds with his eyes and that it did at least one full level. Stuart further say that they'll never see anything make these noises and that it's frustrating. He also says if they went down there then they'd hear something upstairs as everything always happens in the distance. I disagree with Stuart. I think through these five parts alone they've captured a fair amount that's happened quite close to them such as all the tapping and door slamming, even the handle jiggling was right next to them. True, it's all happened off camera, but I think that's because they need locked off cameras set up. Where I do agree with Stuart is that the Most Haunted team will never capture anything on camera. I think the lack of cameras along with their odd filming techniques prevents them from capturing anything genuinely paranormal, or even anything that is causing what they experience, on camera. 

Stuart asks where the stairs go and if they've just gone up them, and both he and Karl start making their way downstairs. Karl stops which causes Stuart, who was ahead of him, to pan the camera upwards to keep Karl in shot. I found this slow descent of the stairs with the camera pointing up for a fair bit of it strange and as though they're trying to not capture something in shot. Again, it's pure speculation, but if those footsteps weren't overlayed, then there will be someone at the bottom of those stairs who likely still needs to get clear for them to pass without capturing the footstep maker on camera. 

Karl talks about how drained he is and Stuart mentions thinking the door handle was Karl, but that because he saw Karl walk towards it he knows it wasn't him. They do replay the footage of that moment to 'prove' it wasn't Karl, and I really do think it wasn't Karl, but this is why Karl needed a camera too so that we could see exactly what Stuart was doing. If we had that Karl footage, along with Stuart footage, then I would have no reasonable explanation as I don't think Gregg, Glen, or Yvette fake things. 

As they keep moving down the stairs, they point out which level they think the footsteps occured on, and Karl acknowledges that people will say they should stay upstairs to get more stuff. He says that they likely would get more stuff, but they wouldn't capture the actual thing on camera, only the sounds. Again, I disagree with Karl. I do think there are teams out there who have caught things physically move, and during a previous episode Karl and Stuart were even discussing how they caught doors slamming in a previous location. This makes what Karl and Stuart have been saying in this segment very much so like an excuse to quit while they're ahead. Karl again repeats that he's drained because of the place and the investigation ends. A highlights segment showing the 'activity' they've captured through the five parts plays for about ten minutes, but I will discuss that in more detail in my overall thoughts post. 

Summary of Activity

1. Door slamming
2. Footsteps
3. Crinkle sound
4. Voice? (Potential owl noise heard by Glen?)
5. Tapping
6. Power cut
7. Banging
8. Door handle jiggling
9. Shadow apparition (seen by Stuart)

My Thoughts

Again, I was fairly accurate with my prediction but I was a little off on a couple of things. As a reminder, here is my prediction again: 

"The episode ended with Yvette telling us that Gregg was going to be in the psychiatric building, that Karl and Stuart were together again in the upper living quarters, and that herself and Glen were in the witches cottage. Surely a tap is going to turn on. If Glen had it, I'm sure Karl and Stuart will have it. I'm still expecting one of them to see an apparition of some sort as we've had Stuart see light anomalies and Karl's seen a face in a window. Again, definite tapping, definite slamming of doors, and definite footsteps. I do think some sort of voice may occur too. As I said in my prediction the last time they were together, all bets are off. 

As for Gregg, I think he's going to get tapping. Each investigation so far he's only really had faint tapping, so I think it will continue. He may get footsteps, but I dont think it will be loud or clear. For Glen and Yvette, I'd absolutely love for something significant to happen, but I just don't think it will. I think possible tapping, and maybe something that might be an audio overlay. I've seen the thumbnail for the video and it looks like Yvette might do some scrying, so I think she'll see a face in the mirror if she does."

I was absolutely wrong about a tap turning on, although, I think Karl and Stuart were in a slightly different part of the upper living quarters and I suspect it was one of those two who turned the tap on for him. I was right though when it came to Karl and Stuart hearing footsteps and door slamming. I was even right to think one of them was going to see an apparition as Stuart did see a shadow figure walk into a different room. I was also right to think Gregg would get more of the same regarding the tapping, and was almost right in thinking that anything else wouldn't be loud or clear. I was only wrong with the one door which slammed right behind him. 

You could argue I was right in thinking nothing significant happened in Glen and Yvette's investigation, presuming the voice was an owl. Yvette didn't see a face that wasn't hers in the mirror, but she did have a funny turn in that room, and the camera 'ran out of battery'. You could class what they experienced in that room significant, but I don't deem any of that as good evidence. 

I think Gregg is the best investigator on the team, and I was even really happy with Glen and Yvette's investigation as there was a lot of reasonable discussion that occured between them. I can't think of many substantial criticisms aside from not thoroughly showing behind doors etc for the witches cottage. I think Gregg, Glen, and Yvette all seemed professional and like decent investigators. I would prefer for them to use some equipment and more cameras, but with what they had I think they did what they could. 

As for Karl and Stuart, I think there are definite shenanigans at play regarding these two. I suspect they were also causing noises for everyone else too as we don't know for sure what time all this footage was filmed at. I think they both know they do things, and I think they're the only team members who know the exact extent of their shenanigans. I think Gregg and Glen both suspect it, and I don't know how in on it Yvette would be as she does seem very genuine. This is all purely speculation though based on what I've seen. I'll go into more detail on this during my overall thoughts post. I think Karl and Stuart were more toned down this episode though, which was good, and for the most part it seemed like a somewhat serious investigation with good discussion. I just don't like how anything that happens leaves open questions as to potential involvement from the investigators.

Thank you for reading this review! I will hopefully be releasing my overall thoughts post on Friday the 9th of February, but the video review on youtube and Facebook will likely have to be on a different day. A special thank you to Damain, Nicolette, and everyone else who supports and follows The True Paranormal. If you want to follow The True Paranormal, you can do so on Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, Tumblr, or YouTube. If you want to contact me for any reason at all, whether that be with questions or anything interesting you'd like me to discuss, you can contact 

Thank you again for everyone's amazing support!


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