OVERNIGHT'S Haunted Homies E3: Kylie's Empathic Experiences

If you aren't familiar with this type of post, the purpose of it is to highlight an experience someone has shared with the world in some way. This post's experience comes from Kylie and was shared during an interview she did with the OVERNIGHT team on youtube. She wrote an experience to the team, they read it out during one of their shows, and then interviewed her about it on the stage. I've transcribed both the experience and the interview, which you can read below. Due to the OVERNIGHT team sometimes going off topic with their interviews by including some jokes, the places where (...) is featured are where I've cut these small portions out. Also, I've tried to transcribe as accurately as I can to exactly how everything is spoken.

Kylie's Experience

'So, many of my family members that have been in my childhood home have had paranormal experiences in the house; mainly noises when they're alone, or full-body apparitions. I never did, which kind of made me jealous because who wouldn't want to see a spirit? When I was eighteen, on a morning in July, I was home alone as my father was at work. It was just me and him at that time. The way our house is set up, the upstairs has a narrow hallway separating my room and the spare room. The bathroom is in the spare room, so in the mornings Old go there to get to the shower. Where the shower is; it is against a wall, as most showers are, where on the other side it's just an open space where people enter showers. That morning, I did my normal routine; taking a shower. I usually play music, but that morning I was in a hurry since I was waiting on a phone call from my boyfriend at the time. Out of nowhere, against the shower wall, I heard three knocks. It was light, but definitely a knock. Thinking maybe my dad, or Sam the boyfriend, had come over early and was just fucking with me; I knocked back, not expecting a harsh knock to come back as well. I got a little uneasy at that point and decided to quickly get out and get dressed.

I walked out and no one was in the room. I called dad; he was at work. I called Sam; and he was on his way to work as well, so I was indeed completely alone. I asked Sam to stay on the phone with me while I finished getting ready for the day and left the room. I locked it. I know it wouldn't stop a spirit, but it was more for my own ease. I walked across the hallway, shut and locked my door, and continued to talk to Sam. About a minute after, a gigantic bang on my door interrupted all thought. It sounded like someone took both fists and banged them on the door in agitation. I'm not going to lie, I was terrified and bolted outside to wait for Sam barefoot and all. It's not my first experience, but it's the first which has truly terrified me.'

Kylie's Follow Up Questions

Question: 'Why did this experience impact you so much? Did you believe in the paranormal before this happened?'

Kylie: 'It was the first one to actually terrify me. I have had multiple full-body apparitions and malevolent spirit encounters since the whole side of my mother's family have the ability to see them. My mum and I are empaths as well. This one just sticks with me because it was in my own home and after that experience a floodgate of experiences happened in the house for me.'

Question: 'Do you feel anything still haunts you to this day? If so, have you done anything to stop it?'

Kylie: 'Oh, for sure. Everywhere I go, no matter if it's a store or a restaurant, I see the same apparition of a woman. When I'm at the store, if I look down the isles like I'm walking, and I see her walking on the other side.'

Kylie's Q&A

Elton: "Thank you, thank you for for one writing in the story and then answering the follow ups"

Kylie: "Yes, like, my whole family has lived in this house my entire life. They see apparitions in there, and then I'm over here like 'where the fuck is my experience?' "

Corbin: "You get it everyday at Vons apparently! What, who is, who is this person that you're seeing?"

Kylie: "I do not know, like, I used to work at a family dollar and I would, I was a manager so I'd close, and I'd just look down and see this lady in a white dress, like, walking down with me"

Elton: "Now, does she ever judge you when you're in the snack isle?"

Kylie: "No"

Elton: "Like, you're like going to get Oreos and she's like *wiggles finger and makes a disapproving sound*

Kylie: "No, she just kind of stands there. I don't get any easier around her, she's just kind of there"

Corbin: "Okay, it, it doesn't come closer at all or, or anything like that?"

Kylie: "No"

Corbin: "Okay"

Kylie: "The only time I think she ever came closer was right after the knocks happened. She was standing over my bed"

Corbin: "Oh"

Corey: "What?"

Elton: "So, again, where was that on the uh? Where was that in the story? She was standing over your bed?"

Kylie: "Yes, I mean everyone has, in that house, in one particular room they've heard a woman singing to them or someone standing over their bed. It's in my dad's room so he always sees it"

Corey: "Wow"

Elton: "What, what state is this?"

Kylie: "Kentucky, it's about four hours away"

Elton: "I thought you were gonna say, I heard the 'k' and I thought it was like Connecticut again. So, okay, a house in Kentucky?"

Kylie: "Mhm"

Elton: "Now have you seen her to a point where you could describe her to an artist?"

Kylie: "Yes"

Elton: "Have you tried doing that?"

Kylie: "Ues, erm, we think it's my neighbor's mum because I explained it to her, like we're really close, and she goes 'I think that's my mum'. Like, whole facial feature, how she walks, everything"

Corbin: "Did she used to sing a lot?"

Kylie: "Yeah"

Corbin: "Oh"

Elton: "Whoa, you're neighbor, and how does, how does your neighbor feel about this?"

Kylie: "She finds it amazing. She's just like 'you're actually seeing my mum, that's pretty cool' "

Elton: "Now has your neighbor ever come to try and?"

Kylie: "No"

Elton: "No? She's like 'mum, I love you, but we can't, I moved out fourty years ago' "

Kylie: "She's like eighty six, so she's just like 'okay' "

Elton: "Oh, got it"

Corbin: "Okay"

Corey: "Have you ever talked to a medium or anyone that could try to get answers to why that's following you?"

Kylie: "No, I just chalk it up to the energy that I create because, like I said, I'm an empath"

Corey: "Yeah"

Kylie: "Even when I'm here, I've been lightheaded, dizzy, and nauseous the whole time"

Corey: "Wow"


Kylie: "Like, my mum, she told me a story about when I was eight. In the same house, I was talking towards the wall. She asked me who I was talking to and I told her 'oh, it's Toby, he used to live here'. My House was built in 1901, and I was just playing out talking to this thing"

Corey: "Wow. Do you remember that experience personally?"

Kylie: *Shakes her head*

Corey: "Okay, 'cause I, I remember I had a, like, imaginary friend"

Kylie: "Mhm"

Corey: "You know, I was a little kid but as I got older, like, probably like five ten years went by where I don't realise it but as I'm now in my twenties, I can put a face to what they looked like. Like, I could actually see my imaginary friends"

Kylie: "Now, I remember seeing a little boy walking infront of our living room window, and I could see the top of his head and that's it"

Corey: "Wow"

Kylie: "Mhm"

Elton: "So you're saying you grew up as an empath?"

Kylie: "Mhm"

Elton: "How, how do you feel like that affected you growing up, going through middle school and high school, did you feel it was strange to the rest of the people around you?"

Kylie: "It was terrible because when we had free days they played, like, Charlie Charlie or they'd make Ouija boards out of little things, and my middle school was on an old high school that a school shooting happened in, and so I would feel everything from that"

Corbin: "Wow, that must have been crazy going to school"

Kylie: "Yeah, yeah"

Corbin: "Geez"

Elton: "What is, what is 'Charlie Charlie'?"

Kylie: "Um, basically it's a game where you take two pencils, or a pencil, and you say 'Charlie Charlie are you here?' And the pencil's supposed to move. It's kind of like a Ouija board"

Corey: "Or dowsing rods a little bit"

Kylie: "Yeah"

Elton: "So they would play all these games for fun"

Kylie: "Yeah, not believing it"

Elton: "Just making a mockery of it and here you are being like 'uh, you don't know what's going on' "

Kylie: "Yeah, um, I would get sick and have to leave the room usually"

Elton: "Do you ever go on investigations, or is this something you just like process and internalise?"

Kylie: "Um, I process and internalise it now. Since my whole mum's side of the family does it, I really don't mind it anymore"

Elton: "What do you, what do you do for work? Like, normal day job?"

Kylie: "I'm a, I work at a car dealership now"


Kylie: "But, even it transferred into the apartment with me and my fiance. When we had our apartment, we had a spirit there and I named him Clyde. I loved Clyde. I would be at a concert and he would text me 'are you home yet?', 'No?', 'okay, well the dresser just moved infront of the door'; or to be sitting in the living room and the dryer would shut and I'd just yell 'Clyde! Stop doing fucking laundry, I'm trying to watch a movie!' "

Corbin: "Wow"

Corey: "And it would stop?"

Kylie: "Yeah"

Corey: "And it would stop? Yeah. Do you think these are just random spirits that are getting attached to you because they know that you're open and you can communicate with them?"

Kylie: "Yeah"

Corey: "Interesting" 

Corbin: "Like the sixth sense. You can actually see"

Kylie: "Yeah"

Corbin: "Nobody else can, feels like they can see them. That's interesting. You have a name for the person who's following you, you, you're friend's mum?"

Kylie: "No"


Elton: "And then you mentioned a malevolent spirit, but you said that you weren't intimidated so what is the malevolent spirit you're referring to?"

Kylie: "I was in a graveyard, um"

Elton: "Typical ghost story"

Kylie: "It was actually on Christmas eve"

Corey: "Wow"

Kylie: "And it was like by the house and every time I drive away from that graveyard, I'd see a person waving; and so, like 'hey let's go in and see if we can find anything'. So, we're going through this graveyard, I'm feeling very uneasy, like, when I feel a bad spirit I get terrified. Like, my heart starts to race so I start to panic"

Corbin: "Yeah"

Kylie: "And, uh, so we go in that graveyard and I look behind a tombstone and there's something crouching with yellow eyes. I bolted back to the house and did not go back. I do not like going by that graveyard anymore"

Corbin: "That makes complete sense to me. Yeah, no, I'm, I'm scared about this. If you're Elton, you'd probably just stick around and try to find out what it is"


Elton: "What do you think it was; the, the figure that you saw crouching?"

Kylie: "I honestly think it was like a demon or something because it was human-like"

Elton: "But it's, so in size you're saying"

Kylie: "Yeah"

Elton: "Over five foot, like, something of that, of that magnitude"

Kylie: "Yeah, it was, had yellow eyes and like, I could see the hair it had. It had, like, long hair but it was, like, balding up top"

Elton: "So me. Got it. Did you ever go to like read the name of the tombstone?"

Kylie: "No"

Elton: "To like maybe see what that person looked like and?"

Kylie: "There was a tomb in there that they called the witches grave, and it had a fence around it, and was near that"

Elton: "Why is there, why is there a fence around it, from, to keep other people from doing séances on it I assume?"

Kylie: "Yeah"

Elton: "Why do, why do I feel like people that do séances in graveyards is so much more common than I have ever fathomed? Like, out of curiosity, has anyone here ever done like a seance in a cemetery or graveyard? Any, any people? That's like, uh, six hands up?"

Corbin: "Couple of hands up, couple of hands, yeah"

Elton: "Seven hands up? Okay, that's also an abnormal amount I feel like"

Corbin: "Yeah"

Elton: "Like I, I, I think like out of every, I don't know, million people one person's done it, but it's a pretty common thing"

Kylie: "My mum always taught me not to do séances, not to do ouija boards, or anything like that so"

Elton: "Did she learn the hard way and that's why she taught you to not do that?"

Kylie: "No, her mum learned the hard way"

Elton: "Oh, what did, what did her mum learn; your grandmother?"

Kylie: "They were doing a seance, her and her friends were doing a seance for a friend's mum and my grandmother really thinks she saw the devil. She saw something so big and so scary she'd flip on the light, it wasn't there, she'd flip it back off, he was there"

Elton: "That's cool"


Corbin: "With, with your story that you're talking about; do you think it connects to the person that was waving at you in the graveyard whenever you passed by it?"

Kylie: "Hopefully not"

Corbin: "Okay, but that was a person"

Kylie: "Yeah"

Corbin: "That was actually waving at you"

Kylie: "Mhm, like it was like so light, like, I would knock back and it was a very light knock and then I locked the door, went to my room, and it was like they just put both hands and slapped it"

Corbin: "Geez"

Elton: "Is this something you can turn off, or are you just like, the best reference I can give is sixth sense when he's just constantly seeing it and he can't stop, or is it something you can go"

Kylie: "I just kinda tune it out now"

Elton: "You just tune it out? You just see a thing and you're like *inaudible*"

Kylie: "No, every once in a while I'll see something, like, fly by me and I'm like 'oh, okay, they're there' "

Elton: "Wow. Huh. And you, you have no desire to, like, enhance the abilities; it's just a thing that you have?"

Kylie: "I would love to, I just don't know how to do it yet"

Corbin: "You have a whole family that does that"

Kylie: "They really don't care about it, they're like 'oh, I saw a ghost' "

Corbin: "Really?"

Kylie: " 'That's cool but let's, let's move on with our lives' "


Kylie: "So my friend Alex, who actually showed you guys to me, I would stay at his house a lot and when I first started staying there, he's seen it multiple times, there's a figure that crawls around his house"

Corbin: "Really?"

Kylie: "He's actually here with me"

Corey: "Oo"

Corbin: "He's got a crawler at his house"

Elton: "*inaudible* He's just got a crawler in his house*

Kylie: "Yeah, we're just like 'ugh, there it is again' "


Kylie: "I even drove up the, the pathway to here and Sam was with me, and we had it on video, and we heard a man singing in our car"

Corbin: "In the car?"

Kylie: "In the car"

Corbin: "Behind you, or like?"

Kylie: "Behind me and we didn't hear it until we watched the video"

Corey: "Oh, this was today?"

Kylie: "No, this was like almost two years ago"

Corey: "Okay, okay"

Corbin: "And the radio wasn't on?"

Kylie: "No, nothing was on"

Summary of Hauntings

1. Knocking
2. Banging
3. Female apparition in a white dress
4. Little boy apparition
5. Yellow eyed 'demon' apparition
6. Sound of a man singing in the car
7. Female singing in the dad's bedroom
8. Dresser moving untouched
9. Dryer door closing untouched

My Thoughts

The first thing I'll say regarding Kylie's experience is that she does contradict herself at one point with quite a big detail. I could be wrong, but I'm fairly sure that when asked if she knows the woman she sees, Kylies says no; but then later in the conversation Kylie says that the woman is believed to be her neighbor's mum. I could be misinterpreting the conversation as maybe when Kylie said she doesn't know her, she meant she doesn't know her personally, or that she doesn't know for sure. It did strike me as a contradiction though. Also, it's odd that she doesn't know her neighbor's mum's name given she said she's close with her neighbor and has discussed this with her. I feel like a name would have come up, and so these details do throw up questions about this experience. 

However, having said all of that, I don't particularly like judging experiences in a way where I'm saying if they did or didn't happen as the truth of it is I wasn't there and so will never know. Assuming everything Kylie has said is true to the way she remembers it, I really like that she's open about being an empath and with discussing her experiences. If I was a member of the overnight team, I would have asked a little more about how being an empath works, but I think they did alright with this interview and stayed on track for the most part. 

I found it particularly fascinating when Kylie discussed her families attitude to seeing spirits, and that they just shrug it off as an everyday event. I've known people who have told me that their mum is psychic, and they've said that their mum doesn't make a big fuss over it and doesn't charge when doing readings because it's just something they can do and they want to help people however they can. This sounds similar to what Kylie says, and so seems to me like a pattern when it comes to legitimate empaths and psychics. 

Another detail I found really interesting is that the woman Kylie sees doesn't stick to the house, although has frequently been seen in the dad's bedroom, but also follows Kylie wherever she goes. As of writing this, I was on a podcast last night, and on that podcast I discussed a theory I have about what I call 'energy wells'. In summary, the theory I have says that through life we exert energy and this energy can be returned to after we die as a way of sustaining our spirits beyond death. These locations where we exert the energy act as wells of energy, and I believe what Kylie describes at one point is that she acts as one of these wells due to her empathic ability; or maybe we are all wells but her ability allows her to be more aware of it. Either way, the energy well theory says that spirits aren't stuck in one place, and aren't attached to one object, as is commonly believed, but rather can travel to a whole host of locations as a result of where they've been to in life, and both who and what they've interacted with. 

This all means I think what Kylie describes with the woman in white is completely accurate to how I believe the paranormal works, and that's really interesting. Typically, investigators would assume the neighbor's mum to live with the neighbor, either being attached to the house, the neighbor, or an object; but instead it seems she has some degree of free reign. I also really like that Kylie talks about everywhere being haunted, absolutely including the mundane places like shops and restaurants. This also fits in with the theories I have. 

Regarding the yellow eyed creature, I don't know what to make of that. My mind immediately goes to the fictional TV programme 'Supernatural' which featured a yellow eyed demon from it's first season over fifteen years ago, so I can't help but wonder if maybe Kylie saw that programme and is somewhat misremembering the experience. I haven't looked into yellow eyed demons though, so for all I know they could very much so have been a thing said to exist before the TV programme came out. I know that programme, although fictional, did take information from real religions, mythologies, and folklore; so it's possibly that yellow eyed creatures may potentially have a real root to exist within the paranormal space, and therefore it could be possible that Kylie saw one. 

Thank you to everyone for reading to the end of this post! I enjoyed writing about this one because of how accurate Kylie's experiences seemed to my own theories on the paranormal. As a result, I'm going to put this experience in a whole new category on the blog called 'Experiences Of Interest'. Just like the similarly titled one based around locations, anything experience related which feeds into theories I have will also be labelled under this tag in order to make it easier to find. 

A special thank you to Damain, Nicolette, The Cornish Ghost Whisperers, and Kerry for your continued support of The True Paranormal. If you want to follow The True Paranormal  you can do so on Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, and Tumblr. You can also subscribe to The True Paranormal on YouTube, or directly to this website through the bar on the left which will give you email notifications. That bar also lists all of the links which will take you to The True Paranormal's various social media platforms. If you want to contact me about your own experiences, or about anything at all paranormal, you can email thetrueparanormal1@gmail.com 

OVERNIGHT's Haunted Homies Episode 3:


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