Angel's Haunted Houses

In this article, we will be looking at a transcript taken from the fourth episode of 'Haunted Homies'; a web-series created by the 'OVERNIGHT' paranormal investigation team. During this series, the team shares their own paranormal experiences, plus read out the experiences audience members have submitted before then interviewing them. This article will discuss Angel's experience, along with the question and answer segment which follows. Angel's experience touches on parapsychology, but mostly features information about a haunted house she leads tours in. 

I've tried transcribing to be as accurate as I can to how things are said, and I've cut out anything which goes off topic. Any cuts are signified by the symbol (...) and anything I couldn't understand is marked by *inaudible*. This interview was conducted by Elton Castee, Corey Scherer, and Corbin Reinhardt; three members of the OVERNIGHT paranormal investigation team. The purpose of these experience articles is to highlight what we can only assume are true stories which have been shared by people, and this way they won't get lost amidst a one hour long video which in itself is amidst many other videos online. I will discuss my thoughts on everything transcribed at the end of the article. 

Angel's Experience

"In high school I had a psychology teacher who taught a unit in parapsychology, and at the end of the unit he would take about fifteen kids on a field trip to a haunted house. I can't say for sure if I've always just believed, or if I just started believing during this period in my life. After the first field trip I took to this house, I ended up convincing him to let me go three other times during my senior year. Something about it draws you back, it gets under your skin. More on this place later. After I graduated in 2018, I was invited by that same teacher to head down to Kentucky to a place called 'Benton Farm' to investigate with him and his paranormal group. It was a bit wierd, and we had tons and tons of flashlight activity, as well as most of our cameras dying or straight up not working. I tried to record on my phone and kept getting an error message saying 'cannot open camera'. 

When we were taking a break and regrouping, we were all just chilling on a coach in the living area, one of the investigators just off handedly asked 'is there any spirits here?' And immediately a music box, like an actual wind-up music box, not the ghost tool music box that was set on the mantle of the fireplace, started playing the full song; not just a couple notes. We checked it over to make sure it hadn't been tampered with, but it was just a normal porcelain music box with a crank on the bottom and shaped like a clown of course; lol. It couldn't have been us moving around or anything because we were all sat still on the couch, and it only happened the one time during the full eight hours. After that night, I spent a lot of time with a couple friends finding local legends to investigate; think places like Suicide Bridge-esque locations. We investigated a forest, called 'Okie Pinoki Forest', and this is where we saw ghost cars, other flashlights, and heard laughter. 

In 2020, the haunted house that I went to in high school was put up for sale; and you bet your ass my teacher bought the place. He asked me if I would be interested in doing tours there, which of course I totally was. He lets me do investigations there now when there's a free night. The house is always so active. The most recent time I was there to investigate, I was alone in the basement. We were doing a Skype investigation; all alone in different rooms on different floors while on Skype. I've never been alone down there, so I was a little jumpy anyway, but I heard this sound like a wooden chair being dragged across the concrete. I never turned on a flashlight so quickly before. There were no other chairs besides two metal fold-out chairs. Nothing else looked out of place, but when I was later informed that a paint brush was out of place, and that must have been the sound I'd heard; wooden paintbrush being, like, scraped against the floor. 

I've seen doors open and close, and we have a lot of pennies from heaven: coins falling from out of nowhere. We use beach balls as well because it's harder to displace them than you think, and they're always off the spot we leave them on when we come into the house again. Shadow figures, EVPs, spirit box activity; everything happens here. People get scratched; you name it, it happens here. You guys should come and investigate this place. It's called Whispers Estate in Mitchell, Indiana. I promise you will not be disappointed."

Angel's Q&A

Angel: "I just wanna say, I did not get a degree in parapsychology"

Elton: "No, but you did get a degree in psychology though?"

Angel: "No"

Elton: "Oh, you didn't?"

Angel: "No"

Elton: "Oh"

Corbin: "Can you get a degree in parapsychology?"

Angel: *shrugs and hums 'I don't know'*

Corbin: "Wh, what exactly does that mean? Can you define that term?"

Angel: "Um, I think, basically what, like, we learned was just like what, like, we learned about like the things that are more, like, in your mind that actually like, like real evidence. She he's teaching you how to be more skeptic because he's a skeptic himself"

Corbin: "Really?"

Angel: "Oh, he's a baby. He's really jumpy even though he's a skeptic, so he's always the first one to, like, leave rooms and stuff. I don't know, he's a cool guy"

Corbin: "This is at high school?"

Angel: "Yeah"

Corbin: "And he's a, he's a, does he, you can't reach in that, like, only right? I mean, like, that has to be, like, an elective or something right?"

Angel: "Um, yeah, psychology is an elective but, um, the parapsychology is just in the class"

Corbin: "Nice"

Corey: "Wow"

Elton: "What grade did you get in parapsychology?"

Angel: "Um, what grade?"

Elton: "Yes"

Angel: "Er, I don't know, probably an A"


Elton: "So are you, would you say, are you a paranormal investigator? Are you, like, full-time, is this something you're casually doing?"

Angel: "Um, it's pretty casual. I'm really broke, so I wanted to go places"


Corbin: "Have you slept at the house?"

Angel: "Not yet, um, he doesn't like, he doesn't like me going there alone. He doesn't like anybody really being there by themselves"

Elton: "Why? He's a skeptic, so why doesn't he like that?"

Angel: "I don't know, lots of people die in there"


Elton: "Is your teacher Dexter Morgan? You said a lot of people die there?"

Angel: "They have died there; not recently. The most recent death, I wanna say was in the, like, 1980s"

Elton: "But he's a skeptic. What is he afraid of?"

Angel: "I don't know; people falling down the stairs? It's an old house"

Corbin: "1980s is still pretty recent"

Angel: "Well, the house was built in the 1800s"

Elton: "The last person to have died there was in the 80s and the house was built prior"

Corey: "Yeah"

Elton: "What is the most interestingly learned, most interesting thing you learned during a parapsychology class?"

Angel: "To always be, like, a skeptic and question everything but I don't really question things because I'm a believer so..."

Corbin: "How does he not fail this class?"

Corey: *laughs*

Elton: "When I read that and I heard parapsychology, and I looked up the definition of parapsychology, it does not line up with what you're telling me; so now I'm very confused"

Corbin: "What did you, when you looked it up, what did it say?"

Elton: "Parapsychology is, like, the psychology of paranormal and unknown thought processes"

Corbin: "Okay"

Elton: "So to just, like, question things. That's science, that's what, that's literally, science is just, like, disprove and test, disprove and test, disprove and test. So, now I really wanna take this test with this teacher or this class with this teacher and see like..."


Elton: "How much is he charging per night?"


Angel: "On weeknights?"

Elton: "Yes"

Angel: "$300 on a weeknight"


Corey: "When you're doing a tour, how many, how many other workers are there with you?"

Angel: "Me and one other person"


Angel: "We have the only public oculus room in North America"

Elton: "What is an oculus room?"

Angel: "A room full of mirrors. Floor, ceiling; everything. The doors..."

Corbin: "A portal room"

Corey: "Oh, a portal room"

Elton: "A full, like, ceiling... what about the floor; just steppin' on glass?"

Angel: "Yeah, he's got, he's got, okay, he's got, erm, like, I don't know, a thing over it"

Elton: "Okay, oh, this is interesting. Carry on, carry on; I'm intrigued now"

Corbin: "That's pretty cool actually"

Corey: "It is really cool"

Angel: "There is, um, lots of like, crazy history"

Elton: "Tell me what's happened"

Angel: "Oh my gosh, okay. So, there was a crazy doctor. He did abortions, all kinds of stuff. He touched ladies, which is terrible. There's a pit grave in the backyard and his ten year old daughter, uh, got third degree burns and died um, er, right around Christmas time. Her nightgown caught on fire from the Christmas tree. The mother died from heartbreak, and she, they had another baby; died from whooping cough. Um, and that were that whole family. Then he kind of got, like, his like, sister was like 'this guy's crazy, you should kick him out'. Um, and, but he never actually, like, his insanity inquest never went through so he was not actually insane. Then there was a, um, an, a butler guy who died in the bathtub, and two boys who; one of them killed the other one on 'accident' in the basement"

Corbin: "What?"

Elton: "Okay"

Angel: "There was a little boy who fell down the stairs and he had, I can never remember what disease he had, oh my god"

Elton: "Clumsiness?"

Angel: "Sure. No, I don't know. He had some, I don't know, he was sick. He was some sick little kid and he fell down the stairs, well, I don't know, broke his neck and died"

Corey: *inaudible*

Corbin: "How many deaths? Yeah, what's the total?"

Corey: "Is it, like, six?"

Angel: "The doctor had only, out of his like thirty years of service, only twenty-seven deaths"

Elton: "Is that all in one house?"

Angel: "Mhm"


Corey: "Ok, um, let's, let's talk about the penny ceiling"

Angel: "There's no penny ceiling"

Corey: "I thought..."

Elton: "No, ceiling..."

Corey: "I thought penny, pennies fall from heaven?"

Angel: "Pennies from heaven? Yeah"

Elton: "Pennies falling from heaven"


Angel: "Er, yeah, no, I don't know, pennies from heaven, they just, you hear just the, er, like a coin hit the floor and it's just a coin on the floor and there's, like, nobody else around"


Corey: "So, er, er, has any cat balls ever went off?"

Angel: *nods*

Corey: "Yeah?"

Angel: "Yeah"

Corey: "Okay, okay, so it is haunted?"

Angel: "Yeah, oh yeah, there's, they have doors and stuff that open all the, all the time by themselves"

Corey: "Okay"

Angel: "And like, you can, like, stomp infront of the door and like, whatever, the door won't open and it just opens sometimes"

Corey: "Cool, cool"


Elton: "What, what's the craziest thing you've had happen in this house? To you?"

Angel: "Um, probably the thing in, in the basement with the paintbrush. I never, I didn't know what it was until later on"


Angel: "My house is haunted. My house was also built in the 1800s"

Elton: "Also built in the 1800s?"

Angel: "Mhm, 1857"


Angel: "When I was really little, I used to, like, um, it's hard to explain how my house is set up but, like, from my bedroom, like, where my bed was when I was little, I could see; we had a gun cabinet and it had a glass, like, front on it and I could see a shadow figure standing at the top of our stairs through the glass and I would not sleep alone for a really long time, because I always told my mum, I was like 'someone's watching me, they're watching me' and she's like 'just, just go to bed' "


*happy birthday is sung to Angel and the interview ends*

Summary of Hauntings

1. Flashlight activity
2. Cameras dying
3. Cameras not working
4. 'Cannot open camera' message on phone
5. Wind-up music box playing full song 
6. Ghost cars
7. Lights seen
8. Laughter heard
9. Sound of wooden chair dragged across concrete - paintbrush maybe moving
10. Doors open untouched
11. Doors close untouched
12. Pennies from heaven
13. Beach balls displaced
14. Shadow figures
15. Evps
16. Spirit box activity
17. People get scratched
18. Cat balls light up untouched

My Thoughts

As you can see from reading the transcript, I've had to cut out a few chunks. This isn't unusual for a transcript taken from an interview conducted by the OVERNIGHT team, but for this one I did feel sorry for Angel at times. The OVERNIGHT team can be incredibly informal and jokey with their interviews, and sometimes I think they can border on being disrespectful. This was one of those times. Everything I cut was basically slanderous speech against the teacher Angel discusses, something you can see a hint of in the 'Dexter Morgan' comment. It was very funny and entertaining to listen to, but they were joking about an uncomfortable topic regarding teachers, their students, and police. 

I feel this experience was picked to be read out on stage because of the interest in learning more about psychology and parapsychology. As it's quickly discovered that Angel doesn't know about these, the interview collapses soon after and it descends into the jokes. I think Corey is great in the interview though as he does keep trying to make an effort at bringing it back on topic to learning more about the hauntings and tours. 

I feel Angel likely did disclose this experience as an advertisement for Whispers Estate, and this is something joked about which I've cut out. I've commented, when discussing a number of locations, that places can have a tendancy of capitalising on the paranormal activity they may experience. As a result, this can lead places to fabricated or exaggerating tales of hauntings to drive revenue. This could be what Angel is doing here. Sadly the team doesn't get to question her much about the individual experiences she shared in the initial written experience, so there isn't too much that can be speculated on. 

One thing I want to point out is that her description of events in 'Okie Pinoki Forest' sounds like they just encountered another group of people that was nearby. This is what ghost cars, other flashlights, and hearing laughter sounds like to me. I also suspect the 'cannot open camera' message may have been prompted by lack of storage space on Angel's phone. If there isn't enough space for a device to save an image, then certain functions such as opening the camera may stop working, and so that kind of error message can be expected. 

The music box experience is incredibly interesting due to it being a legitimate music box and not something marketed as investigation equipment, or an app. Plus it playing more than just a couple of notes is incredibly impressive to me. The pennies from heaven comments are also interesting as this is something I've heard of, but haven't come across yet in my research into the paranormal. My only knowledge of that comes from the fictional programme 'Constantine' where I think it's said pennies from heaven signifies an angelic presence. I could be wrong there, and the programme is fictional so even if what I've said is right, the detail could still be wrong. It's something I'll need to look further into. 

I like the comments Angel makes about the paintbrush moving sounding like a wooden chair being dragged across concrete. The youtube debunker 'Beardo Gets Scared' has emphasised a few times that, while investigating locations, sounds can often warp to not be what you think. So, in Angels case, the sound of a paintbrush moving was warped to sound like a much larger wooden object scraping along the floor. It's a good detail for her to have mentioned as it's an important thing for investigators to keep in mind. 

Thank You!

Thank you for reading to the end of this article! I found it incredibly interesting to hear a bit of a behind the scenes of haunted locations and how much they can charge; something which really highlights why they may go as far as fabricating hauntings for money. There's a lot to be made out of the paranormal, and I feel this is something not everyone is aware of, and so it's very important to inform people of this fact. Angel's experience was also at high risk of being forever lost amidst jokes and other videos, so I'm glad that I could preserve what she's said in an article which is easier to find than if it were to remain only in OVERNIGHT's video. If you want to watch the fourth episode of OVERNIGHT's 'Hainted Homies', you can click the link below:

A special thank you goes to Damain, Nicolette, Kerry, GD, Chris Willcx, Nicola Jada, Nita Raveling-Hamilton, The Cornish Ghost Whisperers, Beardo Gets Scared, Starlight Phoenix Paranormal, Paranormal Penny Pinchers, the Australian Paranormal Society, Codegas Codex of Curiousity, Phantom Detectives LLC, Shadow Walkers Paranormal Investigators, and South Of Spooky for your continued support of The True Paranormal. If you want to be thanked in an article, then please share this article across social media and tag 'The True Paranormal'. If I see that you've shared, then I will thank you in the following article. 

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At the moment I don't have any ads running on anything, and I intend on the blog always being free for everyone to view because I believe knowledge should never be kept behind a paywall. I do, however, still need an income in order to continue writing articles. If you would like to donate towards The True Paranormal, you can do so via PayPal. If you are interested, my username is Daniel Carr and my paypal email is If you donate, I will be sure to thank you across social media and in my articles. Anything donated is much appreciated.


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