The Schooner Hotel
The Schooner Hotel is located within Northumberland, England, and has history which possibly dates back to the 1600s. This Hotel has been called one of the most haunted hotels in the UK, and it's thought that at least sixty spirits reside here. There are many stories linked with this hotel, including that of a family who were brutally murdered within one of the rooms. Some of the spirits thought to reside here are dark shadows which manifest at the ends of beds, children who hide within wardrobes, and a dark figure which has inspired fear in staff members. History The Schooner Hotel takes it's name from a sailing ship that was first used by the Dutch during the 1500s and 1600s. This type of ship was a cargo vessel that was capable of both ocean and coastal travel, and was developed in the Americas during the 1700s. The village of Alnmouth, where the Schooner Hotel is located, was a legitimate trading port which was used as a haven for smugglers and vagabonds. John...