Adam's Haunted Infirmary

This article will discuss an experience shared by Adam Kimmel, the owner of Fairfield Infirmary; which is the location of this interview. He was interviewed by the OVERNIGHT paranormal investigation team during their fifth episode of Haunted Homies; a series of videos on their YouTube channel where they invite their fans on stage to share their experiences. This brief segment is part of a much larger interview, but this was the only part which I felt to be particularly relevant to paranormal experiences. The two members of the OVERNIGHT team which interviewed Adam were Elton Castee and Corey Scherer, and the video was uploaded to YouTube on the 19th of December 2022. You can find a link to the full episode at the end of this article. 

I have transcribed both the initial question from Elton and Adam's response as best as I can. Where you see (...) this indicates a break in the transcript. These breaks are used to cut moments where the interview goes off topic, usually through inclusion of jokes. I have tried to keep the transcript as complete and relevant as I can as so not to effect what Adam is saying overall. In the transcript, you will notice times where words seem to be nnecessarily repeated. These aren't typos, and were actually spoken. I've included these moments in an effort to keep the transcript as authentic as possible. 

Elton's Question  

Elton: "From this location, what is the most incredible story you've ever heard? In terms of, like, abnormal abnormal paranormal activity; what would that be?"

Adam's Answer  

Adam: "The fire department, police department, they all get creeped out by this place. It's a long history of just wierd stuff going on, right, and I remember the fire department telling me on the anniversary. So they said during the summer of Jane householder, she had caught on fire accidentally on a stove. Um, it was on the anniversary that, that the fire system went off in the dungeon upstairs. The thing about the older system, there's a new system put in, but the old one was this ironclad system. You had to like pull it to make it go off and it was actually pulled upstairs in the dungeon. The building was vacant, completely locked, cops had cleared it and everything. So, that's intriguing to me, you know, of things that have happened. Now, we know they can physically move our stuff and things like that. That, that was just interesting because when you have cops involved, and fire department, these people are trained observers. Like, when you get a cop that gives you a report, you know that's, that's interesting to me. But as far as activity, I remember I bought this in February of 2020, and we all know that those were the yester years because a month later everything shuts down I got this place"


Adam: "I was in the building, uh, with my manager Addie and we were just fixing stuff and it was wierd. It was almost like, now remember, they, they had people with diseases here, and stuff like that, and I remember wiring the roof and I'm like 'guys, I'm on your side, we're on the same team okay? There is another disease coming around, it is called The Rona, you may have seen Tubercolosis, it's like that' and I was just trying to mind my business, right?" 


Adam: " 'I feel your struggles, just leave me alone', so yeah, and, and, and I am the guy who walks through a building alone talking to the dead like 'hey, I'll stay in my space, you stay in yours' you know, I do it all the time so, yeah"

My Thoughts  

Even though what Adam says here is short, I still felt it important to highlight. This is because he makes a good point about the involvement of emergency services in the occurance of paranormal phenomena. There have been wild claims of paranormal activity from fire's being started without explanation, to furniture being thrown around a home and the residents being assaulted. These more extreme claims will definitely end up involving the emergency services, and these will likely just go down as an electrical fault which caused the fire or a domestic disturbance. What Adam says happened is much more toned down, and that's why I find it so interesting. He had the police say no one was in the building to physically pull the fire alarm, and it seems like the firemen said the alarm was physically pulled. 

However, Adam does lack details in his telling of the story. He never directly says the alarm was physically pulled, he only implied it. He said it was an old system which had to be pulled to go off. In this, I'm assuming he meant it wasn't like one of the modern push ones which are quite easy to trigger. Unsure if Adam meant the alarm had physically been pulled, or if the alarm spontaneously went off on its own, I asked my dad for his opinion on if it was possible for the alarm to go off without being pulled. My dad was a firefighter for twenty-three years and nine months, and for the last four years of that he was a crew manager. When asked if it was possible for that kind of system to have developed a fault that could have caused the alarm to trigger without the switch being pulled, his response was "I don't think so"

While this response isn't particularly conclusive, it is a retired firefighters opinion on if the system could have developed a fault which could explain the alarm going off without a physical presence pulling the switch. This, combined with the police telling Adam that no one had been in the building, makes the alarm going off more interesting. The system either developed a fault which likely can't occur, or the switch was pulled by someone undiscovered by the police when they investigated it. This is why, even though short, it was important to document what Adam says in this portion of the interview. 

It isn't the first time either that emergency services have given their opinions on a paranormal case. When poltergeist activity has been reported, for instance in the Enfield house, the police do get involved and in the case of Enfield one of the police involved reportedly saw a chair move on it's own. I personally believe that in poltergeist cases, and claims of psychokinetic ability, the police are capable of being fooled by those claiming the activity. James Randi, the well-known magician and debunker, emphasised that no matter how well-educated you are, you can be deceived. This could be the case with Fairfield Infirmary. Assuming the paranormal doesn't exist, which is the opposite of what I believe, there is only one rational explanation I can think of if you remove the possibility of a fault. If the switch was pulled, something pulled it. The police likely would not have taken fingerprints from the switch, and so as they found no one in the building and presumable no evidence of a break-in; ony two logical reasons remain.

I often speak about the tourism angle with haunted locations, and in the case of Robert the doll I discussed how publicity can be gained through creating a whole mythology and story around an old item. The same can be said for a location. The two logical reasons, excluding the paranormal, as to the switch being pulled is either someone Adam knew pulled it, or Adam himself pulled it. As said earlier, I do believe in the paranormal; it's just important to acknowledge the 'what if it doesn't exist' scenario. Adam could have pulled the alarm and created this story around it to tell people and build up the location's haunted reputation for tourism. Personally, I don't know Adam, and I don't want to assume that this is what he has done. 

What Adam discusses could very well be paranormal, but it's the kind of event I would expect to repeat itself due to him saying it relates to a woman who caught on fire. If it hasn't repeated, then I don't think what Adam has discussed has a paranormal cause. If he has had multiple issues with the fire alarm, even after it changed to the new system, then I think that lends a little more credibility to it being paranormal. It's also important to mention that Adam isn't specific on when the fire alarm incident occured. It could have happened before he owned the building, and he could have been informed after the fact. If this is the case, what I've said still applies and the only change would be who potentially pulled the switch. 

Thank You!  

Thank you for reading this article! It's been a while since I've documented an experience which has been shared, so this was an interesting one for me to do; especially as I could actually ask my dad's opinion on a factor involved given he's a retired fireman. If you want to watch the full fifth episode of OVERNIGHT's Haunted Homies, you can click the link below:

So that you all know, I'm on holiday in Scotland between the 20th and 30th of December. I've hopefully made enough preparations for the next four articles to be released on time, but there could be delays. I will keep you all updated on Facebook if anything looks to be delayed. The next article should hopefully be published on Monday the 23rd of December, and it will document a haunted location in Cornwall. The following article should hopefully be published on Friday the 27th of December, and it will document the database's progression through 2024, and it will detail plans for 2025. 

A special thank you goes to Damain, Nicolette, Kerry, GD, Gran, Chris Willcx, Nicola Jada, Nita Raveling-Hamilton, David Lee Jones, theinoculator, 1141520851813892291920, Angeles Wernicke Zapiola, Ke v, Crispinfandom, Thiago Lima, Edgar Darnell, Megzii Hughes, SPIDEY/theronwhittet, Baptist Dsouza, Mike Olsvig, Karin Beasant, Jacqueline Dixon, Beth Beauxis, Andy Lindon, Tracy Lindon, Cambria A Sheridan, warIIikeparakeetiii, Perkeleen Rotta, archivistforager, Saun Evans from Lift Hills and Thrills, Jacks-and-graves, The Cornish Ghost Whispers, Beardo Gets Scared, Starlight Phoenix Paranormal, Paranormal Penny Pinchers, the Australian Paranormal Society, Codegas Codex of Curiousity, Phantom Detectives LLC, Shadow Walkers Paranormal Investigators, South Of Spooky, Don't Scare Claire, blogparanormalexpresso2stuff, Paranormal Connections, Phantom Seekers Paranormal, chatibelieveinghosts, Purbeck Paranormal Investigators, Ghost Investigations, ParanormalTruthNetwork, haunted, Kev Kerr Paranormal, Verona Ghosts, Conjure Quest Paranormal Investigations, Edge Paranormal Research, Soulsearchers Northumbria, and Tamworth Castle for your continued support of The True Paranormal. If you want to be thanked in an article, or in the monthly appreciation post I make across social media, then please share my articles and tag 'The True Paranormal'. If I see that you've shared, then I will publicly thank you! 

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