Journal Entry 11

2/12/22 - Entry 11 

The time is currently 21:20 and I intend on conducting another Ouija session later at 3am. Since my last entry I've done a couple of Ouija sessions, but a couple were completely off the record. I used no equipment, said no prayers, but still followed the rule of saying goodbye. I have on occasion during sessions called out to demonic entities, namely Pazuzu or as he is more commonly known in relation to the board: Zozo.

Since the last session I wrote about, activity was practically non-existent so I decided to push the limits and still nothing happens. I have yet to experience the planchete moving on the board and I am fine in health. The only thing of note is my mum has recently bought a lightweight grey shelving unit and placed it beside the kitchen door. The other day I made sure it was against the wall as I felt I was going to walk into it. Yesterday I noticed it was moved away from the wall so that the corner closest to the kitchen was still against the wall but the other corner was moved away which put the whole unit on an angle. Neither myself or my mum have knowingly moved it and it's strange as the previous night I had done a session calling out to all spirits on the board.

I will make a note in here if I notice anything else happen, but I am doubtful. An important detail to mention about this house, (redacted Stockport address), is that I have grown increasingly wary of the cellar and when doing sessions I always feel something is watching me from the kitchen which is where the cellar door is located. 

When sitting on the chair in the living room with the kitchen door along the wall behind me to the right, I feel someone is stood there. When entering the kitchen out of the corner of my eye it looks like the cellar door is open but when I look it is not.

As those are all psychological experiences, they are unreliable and so not deemed as evidence. They are interesting though. Another experience in this house is when sitting in the chair in the living room across from the main entrance door of the house, in my minds eye I saw the front door burst open extremely vividly and there was no reason for me to see this as it did not happen. The experience was the same as when I 'saw' a woman falling down a well at Carisbrooke Castle on the Isle of Wight. 

I have come to believe there is a spirit here in connection to the house, but also that there is a spirit connected to myself in some way acting as a guardian. In this house there is something looming in the shadows of the kitchen area, but wherever I go and especially when doing investigations there is a positivity, almost like a warmth, it's difficult to explain but I feel comforted by it and as though no harm will come to me because of it. 

I recently remembered about the potential apparition I saw while living at, (redacted New Mills address), while I still lived there. It was during the time I had no bed as I was waiting for my hammock to arrive and so I was sleeping on an air bed in the middle of my room. I can't remember the specifics regarding if I briefly woke from sleep or briefly opened my eyes as I was trying to get to sleep, but I remember opening my eyes during the night and seeing a woman I did not know standing at the foot of my air bed and looking down at me. I stared at her for a few moments and remember feeling confused as I didn't know this person and I should have been looking at the shelves past her, it was like my brain didn't want to register she was there, and then I closed my eyes and went to sleep. 

I felt no threat by the woman, and it all seems far too real to be a dream. I usually have vivid dreams, but rarely ones about me going to sleep or waking up. It's believed that house is haunted by my dads mum (Nutty Nana) and that is who I could have seen. I have no memory of her appearance aside long hair and I don't like trying to remember those details as I know my brain will fill in gaps regardless of if the information is correct. Either way, this could be the positive spirit attached to me. 

I should mention I've bought four haunted dolls from Ebay. They are allegedly haunted, but I'm still excited. The seller seems legit. They've been on ebay for years and have only had four bad reviews out of about 70 in the last year, each of which they have replied to in a very defensive way showing they are adamant to be legit. I believe them, I do not however trust their medium. 

They use a medium with each doll to get the spirits name and backstory. As it is the sellers claiming the activity then I'm trusting activity will occur, but I doubt the names and stories. I'm going to do an experiment. I haven't told my mum about the dolls so I'm going to keep them secret but remind my mum to let me know if she thinks she experiences anything while here. If she does, then I will look at the list of supposed activity which is meant to be with the dolls and see if anything lines up; if it does then this is great evidence.

Another thing I will do is hold sessions with the dolls and see if any relevant words come up on the app, or see if any equipment becomes more active. As it's four kids, I hope the bear will become increasingly active. They will hopefully arrive by next Friday (the 9th).

My Present Thoughts: 28/01/25

Usually, when I write a journal entry it's rare that I then go back and look through at what I've written. The purpose of the entries is to try and document my own personal research and experiences as close to the origin date as possible so that any memory of those events cannot be further altered or forgotten. Obviously, I discuss a few things in this entry which are a fair bit after their initial occurance. They still happened to me, and without documentation then the memory could have further changed; and so this is why it's important to document them. The way I approach my own experiences is if it isn't written in the book, then it didn't happen. Anything remembered after I've written about it could very well be a false memory caused by the brain filling in the gaps. 

I know this journal entry sounds insane. This is the good thing about giving my present thoughts over a year after it was written. It's allowed me to look on this entry in a far more neutral way. As quite a bit is said, I will go paragraph by paragraph. This journal entry was written after I had founded The True Paranormal, and it was clearly when I was predominantly investigation focused. During this time, I had seen Ghosts of Britain doing their livestreams and I may have discovered both 'Beardo Gets Scared' and 'OVERNIGHT'. Regardless, I was clearly very aware of what people were claiming about Ouija boards and dolls, and so I wanted to test it for myself. The off the record sessions were spontaneous, lasted a short amount of time, and likely didn't involve the Spirit Talker app. They were purely to test the Ouija board at varying points of the day and to see if a lack of build-up and set-up would have any influence on activity experienced. As far as I'm aware, nothing happened during those quick sessions.

I'm glad that I've emphasised that even with pushing the investigations by breaking Ouija board rules, nothing happened. People talk about the Ouija board as though the moment you touch one, the gates to hell will open and you'll be drowning in demons. This has never been shown to be the case in any of my investigations. I do think there could be something to the board, but I think that whatever it is will be vastly different from the usual discussions. Personally, I believe it isn't specifically the board, but it's instead the fact that the method is both visual and clear to the spirits that you want to communicate. I also think that by interacting physically with the board, you put energy into it which the spirit can then use to respond. I do not think any portals are opened, and I do not think that the rules have any impact on safety or activity beyond increasing the potential for psychological false positives. 

Regarding demonic entities, I don't think they exist. I think anything claiming to be a demon, or maybe being interpreted as acting like a demon, is actually a human spirit which works off negative energy just as we see with certain living individuals. Regarding the shelving which moved, it was light-weight and wasn't fixed to anything. It has only moved the one time, and it could very well have been knocked out of position without myself or my mum noticing. The odd thing about it was that it was the corner we wouldn't have accidentally walked into or caught which was moved away from the wall. I did take pictures at the time, and you can see one of those above. By looking at the base of the shelving, you can see the shelving on a clear diagonal, and so you can see what I mean regarding the corner that was surely caught on something wasn't the corner you would expect. Personally, I would expect the corner by the door to have moved away from the wall, but instead it was the corner furthest from the door which had moved. It was an odd occurance I thought should be noted, especially given the coincidence of having called out to all spirits on the Ouija board the night before. 

Regarding the feelings of being watched and the personal experiences described; I think it highlights a good point about the psychological impact of paranormal investigation. There are still occasionally times where I can feel like there's a presence in this house, but it's no where near as strong or frequent as when I was investigating. It could be argued that this is because spirits are aware I'm no longer actively trying to communicate with them, and so they've backed off or lost power over time. However, a more logical explanation is that the mind can fall into a trap of experiencing the paranormal due to an expectation that the more you investigate then the more you will experience. This could be a sub-conscious effect too. I've documented one or two decent things which have happened in the house to this point in the journal, and those things absolutely would be playing on my mind each time I investigated. Plus, I was well-aware that I was pushing the boundaries by calling out to all-sorts and not following various rules. 

The psychological impact I undoubtedly experienced in this time period is exactly what led me to believe that the Ouija board's 'rules' were likely designed to raise the psychological impact upon the players. At the end of the day, a Ouija board is just a board game. It's a board game with no actual interactive element. If you play alone, and the paranormal doesn't exist, you've paid to sit at a board and hold a bit of plastic or wood on it for however long you choose. Looking at it like this, you're paying to both meditate and talk to yourself. This makes the rules make more sense. One is to not play alone, and already that makes the game more entertaining. It gives you someone to interact with, and you will both share the same nerves of 'what if it's real'. This then increases the chances of one of you moving the planchette without knowing you're doing it, and because there are two of you it's harder to determine exactly who moved it. This doubt created can then push the mind into further believing the paranormal is real, and is happening, and so you will experience more; and that's just elaborating on the psychological effect of one rule.

I have already done an article detailing the history of the ouija board, but I may do another detailing the rules and the psychological impact each rule could have as you play. The psychology of the rules, and the way the game is designed to keep you playing, is something I don't see discussed all that often. Regardless, I think lots of the personal experiences I was having during this time period were likely down to the psychological impact of paranornal investigation. I'm glad that I did write in the journal that they are unreliable and not classed as evidence due to them being down to personal experience. You can never trust your senses, so I'm glad I didn't back then. I do still believe that there is possibly a guardian spirit around me, but again, this is just a personal belief and nothing that can be looked upon with any true significance.

When I saw the woman, this could very well have been due to being half asleep. There is a thing I've learned about fairly recently called a hypnagogic state. During this state, you're half asleep and so are prone to hallucinations. This is very well what seems to be described here. It could have been a spirit as there was change occuring in the room and it lined up with what was said to haunt that location, but any skeptic would put it down to just being a sleep-induced hallucination backed by my knowledge of what was supposedly haunting the property. 

Regarding the haunted dolls, I currently don't believe they're haunted. I feel I've owned them for long enough at this point to say nothing I've experienced here has been strictly down to the dolls. There has been no notable increase in activity since bringing them here. There was an interesting event with a cat ball where it moved while opening the box containing the dolls, but that event alone is not enough to class the dolls as haunted. The only thing I could say could possibly be due to the dolls is that on one occasion, while sleeping in the same room as them, I heard a little girl singing. It could have been next door as the walls are incredibly thin, but it sounded different to that and nothing was heard beyond that event. It was just four notes, and I heard it clearly enough so that it woke me up and I could repeat back the notes. Aside this event, which could also have been an auditory hallucination, nothing attributed to the dolls has been experienced. 

Thank You! 

Thank you for reading this article! I know it's different from the usual history based articles, but it's important to also document my own experiences and research. It's also important to try and put rational thought to the things I've written and experienced. I know this entry was quite a bit wilder than previous entries, but I do think it highlights the psychological impact conducting paranormal investigations can have. I also want to quickly point out that, looking at the images, one does show a plasma ball in close proximity to a k2 meter. These images were all taken from around the time of this journal entry, and so I had not yet discovered the false positives which could be caused by using these two pieces of equipment at the same time. As a result, I no longer use both during the same investigation. The next article will be published on Monday the 3rd of February, and it will document a haunted location in the West Midlands. The following article will be published on Friday the 7th of February, and it will document a paranormal influencer. 

A special thank you goes to Damain, Nicolette, Kerry, GD, Gran, Chris Willcx, Nicola Jada, Nita Raveling-Hamilton, David Lee Jones, theinoculator, 1141520851813892291920, Angeles Wernicke Zapiola, Ke v, Crispinfandom, Thiago Lima, Edgar Darnell, Megzii Hughes, SPIDEY/theronwhittet, Baptist Dsouza, Mike Olsvig, Karin Beasant, Jacqueline Dixon, Beth Beauxis, Andy Lindon, Tracy Lindon, Glen Hunt, Yvette Fielding, Rye Voss, Paul Anthony, Cambria A Sheridan, warIIikeparakeetiii, Perkeleen Rotta, archivistforager, Christa Hoelters, missluna70, chalswhoelse, Saun Evans from Lift Hills and Thrills, Jacks-and-graves, The Cornish Ghost Whispers, Beardo Gets Scared, Starlight Phoenix Paranormal, Paranormal Penny Pinchers, the Australian Paranormal Society, Codegas Codex of Curiousity, Phantom Detectives LLC, Shadow Walkers Paranormal Investigators, South Of Spooky, Don't Scare Claire, blogparanormalexpresso2stuff, Paranormal Connections, Phantom Seekers Paranormal, chatibelieveinghosts, Purbeck Paranormal Investigators, Ghost Investigations, ParanormalTruthNetwork, haunted, Kev Kerr Paranormal, Verona Ghosts, Conjure Quest Paranormal Investigations, Edge Paranormal Research, Soulsearchers Northumbria, Paranormal Among Us, Wolf Royalty Paranormal, Spirits Beyond, and Tamworth Castle for your continued support of The True Paranormal. If you want to be thanked in an article, or in the monthly appreciation post I make across social media, then please share my articles and tag 'The True Paranormal'. If I see that you've shared, then I will publicly thank you! 

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A Donation Message 

If you've enjoyed this article, it would be massively appreciated if you could donate anything you can towards The True Paranormal. With your donations, I can continue to build up the database and document haunted locations, paranormal experiences, the individuals who are involved in the paranormal, plus more. If you are interested in donating, then you can do so when I am live on tiktok. If you donate, I will be sure to thank you across social media and in my articles. Anything donated is much appreciated. A new feature starting from 2025 is the ability to subscribe on tiktok. As of writing this, you can subscribe from £3 a month. 

Thank you very much to b0nez67, enthusiastic_bum_muncher, ssjb.17, frankiesbarbers, niamh.gallagher10, leomowatt, preppy-chloe11, autistic willy wonka, Rishi, Shay, Ruaridh, Brainrot mash, Erikthompson1971, Rhianna.private, Niamh, Boris, SPIDEY/theronwhittet, Jamie, LLA, kay1, UnknownUserOffical, JOSHY, Spoon., josh.309, Meeehow, evan.cowell1, D.Thornton, Leo, Maisy, Fr@nkie0'Reilly, ParanormalExplorationsuk, *.chloe.*, Sel, . , Zoro, Bertie boy, j.br2590, MIKOsousa, Natedog, PETER IS BACK, matsdyrnes, Josh, liampxyne, z7moz, GratsTrash, @ryan_yates26, bencottis, Darcy, Sam_dman, "GOO GOO PIG", yungzemi, Megan.sherriff, and xkayycee0 for your amazing donations on tiktok. Anyone else I see donate after a tiktok stream has finished will be added to this thank you list. I'm really sorry if I miss any names as I don't know if tiktok tells me everyone who has donated, but I will try my best to thank you all.


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