
Showing posts from January, 2024

Treasure Holt Farmhouse

Located on Burr's Road, Clacton-On-Sea, Essex, the Treasure Holt farmhouse is a grade II listed building and possibly dates back to as early as 1138. The farmhouse itself dates back to 17th century use, but before then it is thought to have been used as an inn. The information I've managed to find on this location is very few and far between, with nothing in particular being spoken as certain, and with hardly any specific details such as dates and names being mentioned. The hauntings, however, seem plentiful which is expected for a location with such a long history. Remember though, most of the information I've found seems to be purely speculation from those who have written it. I will link my sources at the end of the post for if you want to judge more about the quality of information. If you have any information at all regarding the history of the location, please feel free to contact me at:  History As mentioned earlier, Treasure ...

Most Haunted Halloween Week PT5 Review

On the 4th of November 2023 Most Haunted released their video titled 'Most Haunted Halloween Week PT5' to their youtube channel 'Most Haunted Official'. This fifth part is the final part to their lengthy investigation of Pendle Hill which covered a number of locations across the Gisburne Estate. During this review, just as with my other reviews, I will be both positive and critical towards the Most Haunted team. I will give my honest thoughts on any 'evidence' they claim to capture, as with the investigation techniques they use.  Personally, I do believe the paranormal exists, but I try to be skeptical where I see possible and so this is the perspective the review will be written from. My Prediction From Last Time: For the last couple of reviews, I've left a prediction at the end to see if I can guess anything in particular that may happen in the following part, and to see if I can guess how much activity each team member would get. A...

Aldwych Underground Station

Aldwych Underground Station, originally called Strand Station, is located in Central London, England. The station first opened in 1907, and despite only being open until 1994, it has quite an active history ranging from being used as air raid shelter to being used multiple times as a film set. In the paranormal community, the station is best known as being investigated by the Most Haunted team back in 2002. The station is referred to as a 'ghost station', but that simply refers to the fact it is no longer in active use.  History During the July of 1902, construction of Strand Station officially begun. The location was completed by late 1606, but it wasn't until the 30th of November 1907 that the station officially opened to the general public. The station was designed by Leslie Green, and it is instantly recognisable from it's oxblood red tiled exterior. There are two entrances for the station, one which says the original name 'Strand Station...

Most Haunted Halloween Week PT4 Review

On the 3rd of November 2023, the Most Haunted team released the fourth part of their Halloween investigation onto their youtube channel. I'll break down this episode exactly as I did with the last episode because even though it's 1hr and 9 minutes long, not a lot happens. I won't discuss it in the same order you see the clips in the episode, instead I will discuss Yvette and Greggs investigation as a whole, then Karl's investigation, then Glen's investigation, and then finally Stuart's investigation as a whole. I will be discussing my honest opinion in this review which means there will be moments where I am critical, and moments where I will give praise. I will try to look at everything from both a believer and a skeptical side though. It's also important for me to say I have not yet seen the fifth part of the investigation before writing this review in order for me to not be at all swayed by anything that may occur in that video. My prediction ...