OVERNIGHT'S Haunted Homies E2: Noah Howard's Investigation Frights
Noah Howard's first discussed experience: 'I've had, like, visual experience too. Also in Colorado at my friend's house in Franktown which is, if you know what Franktown is in Colorado, it's in the middle of bumfuck, it's, like, you don't know where it is if you go to Colorado, and he has this big log cabin and he had a trampoline out by a shed and his parents were never home. We would just throw parties and jump on the trampoline, like fifteen years old, and (...) we were on the trampoline, next thing you know there's that shed in the back, it's pitch black, the only light out there is the moon, that's literally all you can see; shed goes boom. We all start bolting in the house, we're running, we lock the doors, we go up into my friend's room, stare out the window towards the trampoline, you can't see anything, it's black but we're like 'ooh look in the direction, see if there's something'. I kid you n...